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Discussion on: Have you ever tried any JetBrains product?

daviddalbusco profile image
David Dal Busco

Back in the days we migrated from Eclipse to IntellIJ because the Maven integration for Java was just less laggy.

Naturally when I switched to web development and was looking for an editor, I went with Webstorm.

Never regretted it and I can say that it is definitely worth the price to me. Even though VSCode is really slick, and for having it use a bit, I find the refactoring suite and the Git integration (resolving merge conflicts is almost easy) in Webstorm just more powerful.

That being said, I whish their was a plugin such as Peacok for it 😜.

daviddalbusco profile image
David Dal Busco • Edited

Just noticed that you are also asking about non-editor tools of Jetbrains.

At a client company, they/we are still using Teamcity and I have to deal with it quite often. I have to say I don't like it much. Not a big fan of using Kotlin to describe pipelines and the web client is a bit outdated and consume so, much, RAM (why !???!?!).

Of course that's an opinionated answer as mine above about Webstorm. Still like you Jetbrains.

Also worth to notice, their support channel is really professional and quick to answer.

_garybell profile image
Gary Bell

I keep telling myself to try the git element of phpstorm, but I never do. I think I'm just too used to the old way of manually checking conflicts.

Still, one day I will try it... .probably

daviddalbusco profile image
David Dal Busco

I keep telling myself I should use more cmd lines, I even wrote a blog post about these I always forget 🤣