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David Fagbuyiro
David Fagbuyiro

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Harnessing Node.js Native File Watching for Enhanced Developer Productivity

Can you imagine a world where your code reflects your edits instantly, where the development feedback loop spins at the speed of light? This is the benefit promised by Node.js native file watching, a potent tool waiting to be unleashed for developer productivity. This article will dive into techniques for file watching in Node.js, exploring strategies for optimizing performance, handling large file systems, and implementing custom file watchers for specific needs.

Overview of Node.js native file watching

File watching is a fundamental technique for monitoring file system changes and triggering actions accordingly. While Node.js provides the native method for basic file watching, there are more advanced techniques that can enhance its capabilities and address complex use cases.

Benefits of using Node.js native file-watching

Below are the core benefits of using Node.js native file watching:

  • Lightweight and efficiency: Being a native module, it avoids the overhead of external libraries, minimizing resource consumption and maximizing performance.
  • Cross-platform compatibility: It works seamlessly across major operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux, ensuring consistent behavior regardless of your environment.
  • Highly customizable: It provides fine-grained control over the watching process, allowing you to specify what types of changes (addition, deletion, or modification) trigger events and the specific files or directories to monitor.
  • Event-driven architecture: It leverages Node.js's event loop, enabling asynchronous and non-blocking monitoring, freeing your application from busy waiting and improving responsiveness.
  • Reduced complexity: Eliminates the need for external dependencies and their associated installation, configuration, and maintenance, simplifying your development workflow.

Common use cases for Node.js native file watching

Below are the common use cases for Node.js native file watching:

  • Real-time file syncing: mirror changes across local and remote filesystems, enabling seamless collaboration and data backup.
  • Live reloading: Refresh web pages or applications automatically upon detecting changes in source code, enhancing development agility.
  • Log file monitoring: Track application logs in real time for immediate insights into errors and performance issues.
  • Media processing: trigger automated tasks like video transcoding or image resizing upon file arrival in a designated folder.
  • Build automation: Watch for changes in configuration files or dependencies to trigger automated builds and deployments.

Implementing live reloading using --watch()

Let's assume you have a file named main.js that you want to keep track of for changes. You can use --watch() to monitor whenever its content changes and notify us. The following step will show a simple step to implement File Watcher and drop a message on the console whenever changes are made to the file. Note: The output reflecting the file changes will only be displayed on the terminal.

Step 1: Create a file named main.js and run the command below:

console.log("Hello from Femi J!");
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Step 2: Go to your terminal and run the command below.

node main.js
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After running the above command, the terminal will display what is in the image below.

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If you want to use the new native watch mode, just type the following command in the terminal:

node --watch main.js
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Then you can now go ahead to include the below code in your main.js file to see how it reflects the changes in the terminal.

console.log("File just changed")
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Node is aware that the file has changed and will run it again automatically :

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Implementing Live-Reloading with Nodemom

Introducing the dynamic Nodemon here to automate your workflow and improve your productivity. With this tool at your fingertips, you will experience instant feedback, enhanced efficiency, seamless integration, and frontend and backend coverage: Enjoy live updates for both frontend and backend code changes by following the steps below.

Setting up a Node Server

You should have Nodejs installed on your machine, then enter the command below to set the directory.

mkdir nodemons && cd nodemons
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You can enter the command below to create a package.json.

npm init -y
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The next step is to install Express to start a server.

npm install express
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Now, you should enter the command below to create an index.js file where the changes will be coming from.

touch index.js
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Now navigate to the index.js file and enter the following lines of code.

const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const port = process.env.PORT || 3000

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
   res.send("Hello World!");

app.listen(port, () => {
   console.log(`App is running at port: ${port}`);
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In line 1, we are just importing the express package for running the server, We are making an app, by initiating the express module, and in line 3, We created a variable for the port that will search for an environment variable named PORT. If it cannot find any port by default, it will then assign port 3000. In lines 5 to 7, we are just creating a route. So, if a person, sends a get request to /, then he will get Hello World as the response in lines 9 to 11 We are just making the app run and listen on the port variable Now, you could run this app, by simply typing the command below.

node index.js
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The command above will give the output App is running at port: 3000 Then just go to your browser and type in localhost:3000/ but the disadvantage of this is that if you go to index.js and change "Hello World!" to "Hello world !, Refresh the browser for changes" but if you go to the browser and reload the page, it will still remain the same stagnant as "Hello world !".

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So we have to implement Nodemon by following the steps below.

Settings up Nodemon for live reloading

To install nodemon run the command below:

npm install nodemon --save-dev
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We used --save-dev because we want to only implement it in the development area and not publish it, Now, go to the package.json file and edit the line: - "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" to "start":"nodemon index.js" what we just did is that we made nodemon run the server instead of the node. Now, terminate the node server which was running before and run the command below:

npm start
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You can now go to localhost:3000 and try to change the response in the index.js and after you save it, the server should auto-reload itself. Then go to the browser and refresh again to see that the new changes have been applied as shown in the gif below.

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Setting Up Node.js Native File Watching

Below are the steps required to set up your Node.js file-watching

Introducing the method

Now that we've explored the benefits and potential of Node.js native file watching, let's get our hands on implementing it using the method. The method, residing in the fs (file system) module, is your gateway to monitoring changes in files and directories. Its basic syntax is:, options, callback);
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Here's a breakdown of the key components:

  • Filename: This is the path to the file or directory you want to watch. You can also use wildcards, like .js to monitor multiple files.
  • Options: This is an optional object that allows you to customize the watching behavior.
  • Callback: This function gets called whenever a change occurs in the watched file or directory. It receives two arguments, which are called events: This string specifies the type of change, like change,rename, or delete. And the filename: Which is the name of the file or directory that changed. The examples below show how to use the Node.js method.
const msg = "Hello World";

const fs = require("fs");

// A Node.js script demonstrating how the method works"nide.txt", (eventType, filename) => {
  console.log(`\nThe file ${filename} was modified!`);
  console.log(`The type of change was: ${eventType}`);

// Renaming the file to a new name
setTimeout(() => fs.renameSync("nide.txt", "new_file.txt"), 1000);

// This will also Rename the file back to its former name
setTimeout(() => fs.renameSync("new_file.txt", "nide.txt"), 2000);

// Changing the contents of the file
  () => fs.writeFileSync("nide.txt", "The file is modified"),
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The code output will look like the image below.

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Understanding the watch options

The options object gives you fine-grained control over your file-watching experience. Here are some noteworthy options:

  • persistent: Set to true (default) to keep the watcher running even after the callback exits.
  • recursive: Set to true to monitor changes in all sub-directories within the watched directory.
  • ignored: an array of paths or patterns to exclude from monitoring.
  • encoding: Specify the encoding used to read the changed file content (defaults to utf8). ## Real-Time Code Automation with File Watching Node.js native file watching isn't just a passive observer; it's a powerful tool to automate repetitive tasks and streamline your development process. Let's see how you can leverage it for real-time code automation.

How to monitor a file for changes in Node.js

Remember our trusty method? It's the heart of file-watching. You can use it to monitor single files, directories, or even specific file types. This allows you to trigger actions whenever relevant changes occur, making your workflow significantly more efficient.

Step 1: Let's first build up a project so we can study the various file-watching options available in Node. To begin with, make a folder and use the terminal to navigate into it.

For Node.js, use the following command to generate a package.json file:

$ npm init -y
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Step 2: Installing the log-timestamp package from NPM and adding it to the package's dependencies is the next step.JSON document:

$ npm install --save log-timestamp
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Using the fs.watchfile command

The built-in fs-watchFile method appears to be a logical choice for monitoring changes in our log file. When the file is changed, the callback listener is called. Let's give it a shot:

const fs = require('fs');

const buttonPressesLogFile = './button-presses.log';

console.log(`Watching for file changes on ${buttonPressesLogFile}`);

fs.watchFile(buttonPressesLogFile, (curr, prev) => {
  console.log(`${buttonPressesLogFile} file Changed`);
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The code above monitors the file button-presses.log for changes. Whenever the file changes, it will log a message to the console showing that the file has changed. This can be useful for tracking when button presses are logged to the file.

The code Output:

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Here's a breakdown of the potential reasons for the two equal timestamps and their usefulness:

  • Initial File Creation: When the code starts, it likely creates the button-presses.log file if it doesn't already exist. Or the file creation itself triggers a change event, leading to the first "file Changed" log with a timestamp. However, since no actual content was modified within the file, the subsequent change events (where content is actually added) might also have the same timestamp, resulting in seemingly identical logs.
  • Rapid Changes: If changes to the file occur very quickly, within the same second or millisecond, the timestamps logged might appear identical due to limited time resolution which is more likely if the changes are automated or occur in a burst.

Usefulness of Equal Timestamps:

  • Highlighting Rapid Changes: The identical timestamps can draw attention to very fast, potentially unexpected modifications to the file, prompting investigation.
  • Debugging File Watching Behavior: They can aid in debugging the file watching mechanism itself, revealing potential issues with how changes are detected or logged.
  • Understanding Change Patterns: In specific use cases, they might reveal patterns in how the file is being modified, providing insights into system behavior.

Automating repetitive development tasks

Imagine spending hours manually rebuilding your project after every code change. No more! File-watching lets you automate tasks like:

  • Live reloading: Inject changes into your running application instantly, saving you time and frustration during development.
  • Linting and formatting: Automatically run linters and code formatters on saved files, ensuring consistent code quality.
  • Unit test execution: trigger unit tests upon file changes, providing immediate feedback on your code's impact.
  • Documentation generation: Automatically rebuild documentation when code changes, keeping it up-to-date effortlessly.

Integrating file watching with build tools

Popular build tools like Gulp and Grunt integrate seamlessly with Node.js file watching. This lets you leverage the power of both worlds.

  • Define complex workflows: Chain multiple tasks together based on different file changes or events.
  • Utilize build tool plugins: access a vast ecosystem of plugins for specific tasks like image optimization or code minification.
  • Streamline your build process: eliminate manual intervention and automate repetitive tasks for a smoother development experience. By combining the flexibility of with the power of build tools, you can create robust and automated workflows that adapt to your project's specific needs.

Code Examples

const gulp = require('gulp');
const fs = require('fs');

// Define the file to watch
const watchFile = 'src/**/*.js';

// Define the build task
function build() {
  // Your build process here (e.g., minifying, transpiling)

// Watch the file for changes and trigger build on change
gulp.task('watch', () => {, build);

// Default task
gulp.task('default', build);
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Code Output:

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Webpack Example: below is an example to display the with webpack.

const webpack = require('webpack');
const chokidar = require('chokidar');

// Define the entry point and output file
const entry = './src/index.js';
const output = './dist/bundle.js';

// Define the webpack config
const config = {
  // ... other webpack config options

// Build and watch for changes
const compiler = webpack(config);

const watcher ='src/**/*.js');

watcher.on('change', () => {
  console.log('File changed. Rebuilding...'); => {
    console.log('Build completed.');
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Code Output:

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Each specific implementation will vary depending on your build tool and needs. However, the general pattern of watching files for changes and triggering a rebuild when necessary remains the same.

Enhancing Developer Experience with File Watching

We have explored the technical aspects of Node.js file watching, but how does it translate into real benefits for developers? Let's dive into the ways it can enhance your development experience:

Streamlining Code Compilation and Testing

Say goodbye to manual rebuilds; Imagine editing a file and instantly seeing your changes reflected in your running application, thanks to live reloading. No more waiting for lengthy rebuilds; just immediate feedback for faster development cycles.

  • Automated testing on demand: File watching triggers unit tests automatically upon changes, providing instant feedback on potential regressions or unexpected behavior. Catch bugs early and often, ensuring a more stable and reliable codebase.
  • Smart compilation and optimization: Watch for specific file changes to trigger targeted compilation or optimization tasks. There's no need to waste resources recompiling everything; optimize only what's changed, leading to faster build times and improved.

Enabling Instant Feedback During Development
Below are the steps to enable instant feedback during your development:

Live linting and formatting: Get notified instantly about code style violations or formatting inconsistencies as you type. Address issues in real time, keeping your code clean and consistent without sacrificing momentum.

Automated documentation updates: Link your documentation generation process to file changes. As your code evolves, your documentation automatically reflects the latest updates, saving you time and ensuring accuracy.

Error detection and logging: Monitor log files for errors in real time. React immediately to critical issues, minimizing downtime and maximizing application stability.

Improving Overall Development Workflow

Here is how to improve the overall development workflow:

  • Reduced cognitive load: Focus on your code, not the build process. File watching automates repetitive tasks, freeing your mental space for creative problem-solving and deeper thinking.
  • Increased productivity: Eliminate the wait time between changes and results. Get instant feedback, iterate quickly, and ship features faster.
  • Enhanced collaboration: Share live-reloading environments with teammates. See each other's changes in real time, facilitate discussions, and work together seamlessly. By leveraging Node.js file-watching, you can cultivate a more efficient, productive, and enjoyable development experience. It's not just about technology; it's about empowering you to write better code, faster. So embrace the power of automation and unlock the full potential of your development journey.

Advanced Techniques for File Watching with Code Examples

Let's solidify our understanding by adding some code examples to illustrate the advanced techniques mentioned earlier:

Utilizing chokidar for enhanced performance

The Chokidar library supercharges with advanced features and optimizations. Here's what it brings to the table:

Cross-platform performance: Chokidar is optimized for various operating systems, ensuring consistent and performant watching across different environments.

Debounced events: It minimizes unnecessary events by grouping changes into batches, preventing your application from being bombarded with updates.

Glob patterns: You can use powerful globbing patterns to watch specific file types or nested directories with greater precision.

Ignored paths and custom filters: exclude irrelevant files or directories from being watched, further reducing resource consumption and improving focus.

Example 1: Watching directories recursively with Chokidar:

const chokidar = require('chokidar');

// Define the root directory
const rootDir = '/path/to/root';, {
  recursive: true, // Watch all subdirectories and files
  persistent: true, // Keep watching even after process restarts
  ignoreInitial: true, // Ignore initial events on startup
  followSymlinks: true, // Watch files even if accessed through symlinks
}).on('add, change', filePath => {
  console.log(`File changed: ${filePath}`);
  // Perform your desired action here

// (Optional) Additional event handling for events like 'unlink', 'ready' etc.

// Keep the process running
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This example uses chokidar to watch for changes in .js files within the src directory, excluding the node_modules folder. It utilizes a persistent mode to keep the watcher alive and avoids polling for performance reasons.


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Example 2: Using Chokidar with glob patterns for advanced filtering:

const chokidar = require('chokidar');

// Define glob patterns for specific files and directories
const filePatterns = ['*.txt', '*.json'];
const dirPatterns = ['/path/to/dir1', '!**/subdir']; // Include and exclude directories, {
  cwd: '/path/to/root', // Set the working directory
  ignoreInitial: true,
  followSymlinks: true,
}).on('add, change', filePath => {
  console.log(`File changed: ${filePath}`);
  // Perform your desired action here

// (Optional) Additional event handling and filtering logic

// Keep the process running
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Chokidar watches for file changes (txt, json) in a directory, ignoring subdirs and startup events. It logs changes and lets you handle them.

The code Output:

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Handling large file systems and multiple directories

Watching vast directories or numerous files simultaneously can be daunting. Here's how to handle the challenge:

Chunked watching: Break down large directories into smaller chunks and watch them individually. This reduces the initial load and improves responsiveness.

Queued processing: Don't overwhelm your application with immediate processing. Queue file changes events and handles them asynchronously to maintain smooth performance.

Worker threads: leverage Node.js's worker threads to parallelize file-watching tasks. This distributes the workload efficiently and prevents bottlenecks. Example 1: Watching specific files in multiple directories

const fs = require('fs');

// Define directories and files to watch
const directories = ['/path/to/dir1', '/path/to/dir2', '/path/to/dir3'];
const filesToWatch = ['file1.txt', 'file2.json'];

// Create a watcher for each directory
directories.forEach(dir => {
  filesToWatch.forEach(file => {
    const filePath = `${dir}/${file}`;
    fs.watchFile(filePath, (eventType, eventFile) => {
      if (eventType === 'change' && eventFile === filePath) {
        console.log(`File changed: ${filePath}`);
        // Perform your desired action here

// (Optional) Handle errors
process.on('uncaughtException', error => {

// Keep the process running
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This above code monitors files for changes. It tracks directories and files and then sets up watchers for each. If a file changes, it logs and allows you to take custom actions based on the updated data.

The Output:

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Implementing custom file watchers for specific needs

Custom file watchers are tools that automate tasks based on changes to specific files or directories. They offer more flexibility and control than built-in file watchers.

To implement a custom file watcher, you need to define your needs, choose an approach, build the watcher, deploy it, and monitor it.

Here are some key points to follow:

  • Use programming languages, system tools, or GUI tools for file-watching.
  • Detect events, filter relevant ones, execute actions, and handle errors.
  • Deploy the watcher locally, use background services, or containerize it.
  • Optimize performance, log events, secure file paths, and handle errors.
const fswatch = require('fswatch');

const watcher = fswatch.createWatcher('./logs', {
  filter: (path) => path.endsWith('.log'),
  interval: 1000, // Debounce events to prevent flooding

watcher.on('data', (event) => {
  console.log(`Log file changed: ${event.file}`);
  // Analyze the log file content


console.log('Watching for changes in log files...');
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This example utilizes the fswatch library to specifically watch for changes in files ending with .log. It debounces events to avoid overwhelming the system and demonstrates how to handle the event data for custom analysis.

The Code Output:

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Each time a file ending with .log inside the ./logs directory changes, the data event will be emitted with information about the event, including the file path. The console will then log the file name that changed and trigger the analyze function to process the content of the updated log file.


Remember, file watching is not just about watching files; it's about automating repetitive tasks, streamlining your workflow, and ultimately, writing better code with greater agility.

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