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How do you use Python in a not "professional developer" way?

I love Python. In fact, for a few years it has been my favourite language (Maybe I change my mind after trying Go...).

But one of my favourite features about Python is that you can use it to your little, non-professional developer, day to day tasks.

We know we can use it to create web backends, REST APIs, deployment, etc, but what I liked about Python is that, unlike other languages, it can be used easily by non-programmers to help their tasks.

For example, I have read about secretaries automatizing tasks that take them hours or even days by learning Python on the side, to manipulate files, using basic regex to extract phones from files and/or emails, and stuff like that.

I started creating small projects that manipulate text files, by searching texts inside them, modifying them, renaming files if certain conditions are found, etc and I love it.

so my question is: How do you use Python in your day to day? Especially if you don't work as a professional programmer.

Latest comments (11)

vlaja profile image
Vlatko Vlahek

The biggest case is when I need a quick script and want to avoid writing it in bash :)

davidmm1707 profile image
David MMπŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»

And having Python, you always want to avoid using Bash.

Or at least, I want to πŸ˜€

ben_kc profile image
Benjamin Kooiman-Cox • Edited

I have to use registry scripts to set up auto-logins for digital signage computers. Rather than keeping a bunch of dangerous registry-editing scripts on my filesystem, I wrote a Python script that takes a template, combines it with login info from a JSON file, and creates the necessary registry script. That way I can create them as needed and delete them when I'm done without worrying about losing the information or accidentally running them.

I also have to inspect exit signs throughout my workplace. In order to keep track of these inspections, I made a web page that queries a SQLite database via AJAX requests to Python cgi scripts. When I need to log a new inspection, I just run py -m http.server --cgi and go to localhost:8000/ in my browser. It's kind of kludgy in its current state, but I'm thinking about re-implementing it with Django.

davidmm1707 profile image
David MMπŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»

Yeah, using Django is the best option and a piece of cake to implement.

mateusz__be profile image
Mateusz BeΕ‚czowski

Perhaps quick scripting and automation, e.g. adding podcasts that I want to listen to my to-do app

schmowser profile image
Victor Warno

Quick scripts that scrape data from csv or text files. Probably what bash could do faster πŸ˜…

davidmm1707 profile image
David MMπŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»

I'm doing something like that right now. What do you use to search inside the text files?

casiimin profile image
Casi Imin

I'm not a professional programmer, especially in Python.
In the past I've tried to make various automation script, for fun.
Three of the best:
a wireless (based on sockets) transfer script, from and to pc (Mac) and mobile (iOS)
a web crawler in httplib, urllib and regex (for find pdf's research in Google)
a remote system controller via email


davidmm1707 profile image
David MMπŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»

That's cool. I was playing this week with reading-deleting-modifying-etc files but next week I'm going to start with email automation.

The wireless socket transfer sounds great, I like the idea.

casiimin profile image
Casi Imin

Nice! Have a nice pydev ;)

aadibajpai profile image
Aadi Bajpai

quick calculator

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