In this article we'll discuss some python tools, these will make your development easier. Namely:
- the python package manager pip
- virtual environment
- remote ssh.
Pip for package management
Python has many available packages or modules. These are existing code bases you can use to accelerate development. This is similar to libraries in C/C++.
To install module you need pip. To install pip, see this article.
For module installation, you can specify a version number
(sudo) pip install Django == 1.6.8
Upgrade package
(sudo) pip install bpython --upgrade
Install multiple packages
(sudo) pip install BeautifulSoup4 fabric virtualenv
Installation from the text, the text for the package name, one per line, you can specify a version number
(sudo) pip install -r requirements.txt
Delete a module
(sudo) pip uninstall xlrd
Export the currently installed package
pip freeze> requirements.txt
Virtualenv independent Python environmental management
virtualenv is a Python package to create a separate environment. Using virtualenv you won't have any module conflicts (as you may get when installing with sudo).
# Installation:
(sudo) pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
# .Bash_profile or modify .zshrc (if you use the words zsh), add the following statement
export WORKON_HOME = $ HOME/.virtualenvs
export PROJECT_HOME = $ HOME/workspace
source /usr/local/bin/
mkvirtualenv ENV
: create a running environment ENV -
rmvirtualenv ENV
: Delete operating environment ENV -
mkproject mic
: Creating runtime environment mic and mic project -
: Create a temporary runtime environment -
workon bsp
: bsp work in the operating environment -
: Lists the available operating environment -
: Lists the current environment installed the package
Environment created is an independent, non-interfering, without the need to use sudo permissions pip to manage packages.
Remote SSH
fabric: Fabric is a high level Python (2.7, 3.4+) library designed to execute shell commands remotely over SSH, yielding useful Python objects in return.
from fabric.api import *
# server list
env.hosts = [ 'user@server1', 'user2@server2']
def ls_home():
with cd('/home/username/'):
Official website:
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