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Dario Chuquilla
Dario Chuquilla

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Ruby Attributes VS Instance variables

I am finally going to clarify the confusion among developers about the use of attributes and instance variables in Ruby classes. In this article, I will show you the similarities and differences between these two concepts and provide best practices for using them.

First things first SIMILARITIES

  • Attributes and instance variables are used to store data within a class.
  • They can both be accessed and modified within the class.

Now the differences

  • Attributes have a wider scope than instance variables.
  • Attributes can be accessed and modified outside the class using accessors, while instance variables are only accessible within the class.
  • Attributes can be defined with specific data types, ensuring data integrity. Instance variables, on the other hand, can hold any data type.
  • Attributes can be initialized during declaration, while instance variables need to be initialized within the class.
  • Instance variables consume more memory than attributes since they are not bound to a specific data type.

Best practices

attr_accessor is so versatile, that it lets us to store a value anywhere.

class AttributesInstances
  attr_accessor :my_attribute

  def initialize
    @my_attribute = "Hello" # instance variable used to store the value of the attribute

  def show_me
    puts @my_attribute # instance variable used to access the value of the attribute
    puts self.my_attribute # attribute reader used to access the value of the attribute

ai =
#=> Hello
#=> Hello
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

As you can see, it is possible to access the attribute value by the instance variable used to store it during the initialization.

class AttributesInstances
  attr_accessor :my_attribute

  def initialize
    self.my_attribute = "Hello" # attribute writer used to set the value of the attribute

  def show_me
    puts @my_attribute # instance variable used to access the value of the attribute
    puts self.my_attribute # attribute reader used to access the value of the attribute

ai =
#=> Hello
#=> Hello
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

In this case, the value can be stored with self which is the attribute writer method.

attr_reader and attr_writer It has their special treatment.

class AttributesInstances
  attr_reader :my_attribute_reader

  def initialize
    # self.my_attribute_reader = 'Hello' # RISES NoMethodError: undefined method `my_attribute_reader=' for #<AttributesInstances:0x00007f8f3b8b3e40>
    @my_attribute_reader = 'Hello' # instance variable used to set the value of the attribute

  def show_me
    puts @my_attribute_reader # instance variable used to access the value of the attribute
    puts self.my_attribute_reader # attribute reader used to access the value of the attribute

ai =
#=> Hello
#=> Hello
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Here, the value can only be stored by an instance variable, when self is used, it raises the undefined method exception.

I hope this is useful for getting your code cleaner and better organized.

Any comments are fully welcomed.

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