DEV Community

Discussion on: Stop Building Your UI Components like this❌

deathshadow60 profile image

No, React is a bloated wreck created by people not qualified to work with node.js or client-side scripting. It addresses no "maintainability problems" that wouldn't exist if people would just LEARN. But instead of learning HTML, CSS, and JS and the most basic of development principles, they get suckered into diving into 3i garbage riddled with bad practices. 3i of course being the most common problem in web development: ignorance, incompetence, and ineptitude.

As an accessibility and usability consultant I WASTE so much of my time ripping out client-side scripted garbage like React. I've NEVER seen anything done with it that wouldn't be cleaner, simpler, or easier without it! Be it CSR and SPA trash pissing on accessibility from so on-high you'd think the almighty just got back from a kegger, or server-side where it just makes you use two to ten times the code -- especially now that we have template literals native making JSX even dumber than it already was.

React -- or any of these other "frameworks" -- does NOT make ANYTHING easy. To think that it does is outright delusional. Half of what people build with it could have been done far simpler without it, the other half has no business being scripted in the first place.

There is NOTHING of value it can teach anyone other than how not to use JavaScript -- client OR server-side.