Working process:
On pressing Buy Now button, all data is being submitted to DB then order is being created in Razorpay table and redirecting to Pay with Razorpay page.
On clicking the Pay with Razorpay button the Razorpay payment is verified using the try catch and the order table payment status is being changed from unpaid to paid and razorpay_payment_id, razorpay_signature is being updated in Razorpay table by checking the razorpay_order_id and the session order id is being deleted.
Lastly, it is heading to the Success view with the data variable which has the order id.
N.B: When this "callback_url": "route('frontend.payment_success')", is hit, razorpay sends razorpay_payment_id, razorpay_signature, razorpay_order_id and it yields 419 error cause the CSRF token mismatches as the route is a POST route, for that this particular route needs to be added in the VerifyCsrfToken middleware so that the csrf token mismatch is exempted.
public static function order_payment($request, $data)
if($request->type_of_payment == 'online')
$api = new Api(config()->get('razorpay_key_id'), config()->get('razorpay_key_secret'));
//Create Order and save in Database
//Delete Shopping cart products
//Razorpay Payment
$orderData = [
'receipt' => 'rcpt_'.$order_id,
'amount' => $data['tot_amount'] * 100, // 39900 rupees in paise
'currency' => config()->get('currency_code'),
'partial_payment' => false,
$razorpayOrder = $api->order->create($orderData);
//Create data in Razorpay table
'razorpay_order_id' => $razorpayOrder->id,
'amount' => $razorpayOrder->amount,
'receipt_id' => $razorpayOrder->receipt,
'status' => $razorpayOrder->status,
'created_ts' => $razorpayOrder->created_at,
//Put order id in session
session()->put(['order_id'=>$razorpayOrder->id, 'order_mode'=>'razorpay']);
return view('frontend.razorpay-payment', $data);
Razorpay Payment Blade:
<button id="rzp-button1" class="btn btn-primary mb-3 mt-3">Pay with Razorpay</button>
<script src=""></script>
var options = {
"key": "{{config()->get('razorpay_key_id')}}", // Enter the Key ID generated from the Dashboard
"amount": "{{$payment_arr['razorpayOrder']->amount}}", // Amount is in currency subunits. Default currency is INR. Hence, 50000 refers to 50000 paise
"currency": "{{config()->get('currency_code')}}",
"name": "{{config()->get('setting.siteName')}}",
"description": "Test Transaction for purchasing {{$payment_arr['order_id']}}",
"image": "{{asset('customResource/apy-frontend/images/oxgo.jpg')}}",
"order_id": "{{$payment_arr['razorpayOrder']->id}}", //This is a sample Order ID. Pass the `id` obtained in the response of Step 1
"callback_url": "{{route('frontend.payment_success')}}",
"prefill": {
"name": "{{session()->get('')}}",
"email": "{{session()->get('')}}",
"contact": "1234567890"
"notes": {
"address": "Some address"
"theme": {
"color": "#3399cc"
var rzp1 = new Razorpay(options);
document.getElementById('rzp-button1').onclick = function(e){;
Heading to Payment verification controller
public function payment_success(Request $request)
$data['order_id'] = session()->get('order_id');
$api = new Api(config()->get('razorpay_key_id'), config()->get('razorpay_key_secret'));
$attributes = array(
'razorpay_order_id' => $data['order_id'],
'razorpay_payment_id' => $request->razorpay_payment_id,
'razorpay_signature' => $request->razorpay_signature,
$rzr_record = RazorpayPayment::where('razorpay_order_id', $data['order_id'])->first();
Order::where('order_unique_id', substr($rzr_record->receipt_id,5))->update([
'payment_status' => 'paid',
'razorpay_payment_id' => $request->razorpay_payment_id,
'razorpay_order_id' => session()->get('order_id'),
'razorpay_signature' => $request->razorpay_signature,
catch(SignatureVerificationError $e)
$success = false;
$error = 'Razorpay Error : '. $e->getMessage();
$data['error'] = $error;
return view('frontend.order-success',$data); //If error
return view('frontend.order-success', $data); //If success
Route::any('/checkout', [HomepageController::class, 'checkout'])->middleware('customer','roleif:customer')->name('checkout');//used any for flash message
Route::post('/checkout-cart', [HomepageController::class, 'checkout_post'])->name('checkout_post');
Route::post('/payment-success', [HomepageController::class, 'payment_success'])->name('payment_success'); //Hitting when the payment is done and also verified
protected $except = [
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