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Validate a Credit Card Number with Functional JavaScript

Ben Lovy on November 03, 2019

Dolla Dolla Bill, Y'all Credit card companies are responsible for a high volume of highly sensitive global network traffic per minute wi...
jlhernandez profile image
Jose L. Hernández
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deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

The intended takeaways here are checksums and the functional-style implemention - definitely not intended as an introduction to financial processing.

jlhernandez profile image
Jose L. Hernández

Sure, that's why I think it is a bad topic for a tutorial.
The programming style is cool, but it would be better if you implemented another algorithm, something that could be used in a real world app, or at least warn the readers they should never get credit card numbers in their app (unless they are building a bank..)

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deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

Fair point!

rohansawant profile image
Rohan Sawant

I always thought credit card numbers were mostly just sorcery.

Thanks for demystifying it!

emily-flias profile image
Emily Flias
alexfinch profile image
Alex Finch • Edited
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vccgenerator profile image
VCCGenerator • Edited
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shortlonghair profile image
Short Hairstyle

The main advantage of the credit card generator is that it allows users to make use of the system even without the knowledge of the person using it. This way, a user will not be able to figure out whether the visa card generator is actually valid or not. Hence, people may end up spending more money on these fake generators than they actually have.

poppybeck profile image
poppybeck • Edited

Hey Ben Lovy

Thanks for sharing information Validate a Credit Card or Debit Card Number with Functional JavaScript there are some sites on the internet which work with the Functional JavaScript one of the best examples is

emnudge profile image

You can reference the end of an array by using negative integers.
Instead of .slice(0, len - 1) you can do .slice(0, -1)

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

Ooh, thanks! Much nicer. JS is definitely not in my muscle memory yet.

orighoprecious profile image
Origho Precious

Very nice article. kudos!

bluebob profile image

Great article - fascinating on a good few levels.
Thanks for sharing!

portondr profile image
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