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If you could automate one process what would you automate?

BekahHW on December 19, 2022

I don't know about you, but it never feels like there's enough time in the day, and it definitely feels like there are tasks that I procrastinate working on because they don't exactly get me excited. Maybe you feel that way too. What would you automate in your life--real or imaginary?

kurtissfrost profile image
Kurtiss Frost

I've been looking into some things I could automate but right now, there's not much I can think of. Maybe automate my VS Code workflow?

Instead of going through and making every folder and file when I start a new project, maybe have it to where I can write a python script to do it for me and map it to my stream deck?

perchun profile image
Perchun Pak • Edited

You can use cookiecutter, this is exactly what you want: (optionaly) no code solution to generate entire project structure, which includes auto replacing project name in required files (like pyproject.toml in Poetry).

Also, you can look at my own template and really good template from wemake guys.

kurtissfrost profile image
Kurtiss Frost

I'll definitely have to look into that! I appreciate the advice! :)

dsaghliani profile image

I don't know about the Python ecosystem, but in the JavaScript world, project starters like Vite and Create React App do just that.

bijaydas profile image
Bijay Das

Kinda like a cli tool to generate project structure?

kurtissfrost profile image
Kurtiss Frost

Kind of? Maybe? I'm not 100% sure honestly lol I am pretty new to development and the CLI so maybe there is a way to do that without having to code anything? I was thinking I would make it in such a way that when I pressed a button on my stream deck, it would run the script and then it would go through the process of setting up my work flow.

Maybe I could even write different ones for different environments? Like one for python, one for web development, etc. Or, for ease and convenience, have an "input" prompt that will let me enter the type of environment I want to make and then would execute that based off what I selected? I don't know, maybe that's a convoluted idea? lol

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arsmanyuk profile image

ever heard of angular CLI? It's literally what you are talking about (for Web)

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kurtissfrost profile image
Kurtiss Frost

I will have to look into that. Thanks so much for the tip! 😁

bekahhw profile image

I like that!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

As a lazy person, I think automating exercise would be pretty nice, haha!

On that note, I just Googled "automatic exercise machine" and this thing showed up, haha! I'm pretty skeptical. 😅

jrothlander profile image

Those are tens-units. It uses electricity to simulate the muscles. It really does work. I’ve thought about getting one so I can cheat on doing crunches.

I don't know anything about this one, but I had a tens unit as a kid after my mother broke her back. It's used for pain. My brother and I would hook each other up to it and play a game of turning it all the way up and seeing how long it would take to turn it off while it locks up all your muscles. It is painful if you turn it all the way up. The next day, we'd be in pain feeling like we did a serious workout. I'm sure that's probably where these companies got the idea.

I still have one of these. I might go do some crunches!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Oh wow! This is really great info and gives me hope that I might actually be able to make use outta something like this. I'd like to have one to target my abs flabs, haha. Wonder if there's anywhere I can go to try it out first... 🤔 anyway, I know to search for "tens-units" now. Thank ya for chiming in!

bekahhw profile image

Lol. I’ve seen this advertised. Definitely skeptical.

tqbit profile image

I'd automate my decisionmaking on what to cook. Preferably the cooking itself as well.

bekahhw profile image

I am totally here for that.

dstr88 profile image
Donnie • Edited

I wish someone would automate google analytics dashboard to send my clients an email with highlights over the past ...week? month? or whenever. I want to let them know how valuable their website is. Maybe it could tell how many visitors, from where and how long they stayed, with a link to a dashboard where they could find more info. Again, this could be a monthly or weekly report.

perchun profile image
Perchun Pak

Hmm, ReadTheDocs uses Google Analytics and has similar functionality. Possibly they (Google Analytics) offer an API.

acode123 profile image

If I can automate deleting spam, I would save a lot of time.

bekahhw profile image


manuelricci profile image
Manuel Ricci

As a freelance I'm gonna say all the bureaucratic stuff (invoice, taxes, contracts, etc.). It's boring and distract me from the fun part of my job.

bekahhw profile image

Oh yeah. Taxes as a freelancer are the worst.

alexiscesar profile image
Alexis Cesar

I was trying to find a way to generate cards in Notion automatically so I could have a card saying "Pay Bills" every start of the month

texdog profile image
Darren Fransella

I have come to understand that I am a very lazy person. If I have to do a task the third time, I automate it and look in the mirror with disgust wondering why I was not smart enough to do it after the second time.

bekahhw profile image

Lol. I'd like to call that efficient, not lazy.

erauner12 profile image

My git workflow.

rahulnikam profile image
Rahul Nikam

Automate working of my brain 😪😴

integerman profile image
Matt Eland

I think for me mine would be wrinkle free cross posting with platform specific tweaks.

I run two active blogs plus a legacy storehouse of old content. One of the active blogs runs on Hugo while the other uses WordPress. I cross post all content to as markdown and to Medium. I also sometimes cross post from one blog to the other for topics that address two different audiences. markdown has some slight differences in it's header structure and the locations of images. It also doesn't support multi word tags. Medium also has some issues importing images, code, and lists and needs to be proofed for correctness.

Some helpful automation steps exist, but none are completely reliable or get me over 50% there.

arsmanyuk profile image

Automate Code writing. duh

bekahhw profile image

It’s definitely getting easier to do that.

arsmanyuk profile image

Basically let a machine do what you do, it's kinda creepy imagining looking at one's screen if it was a real thing.