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We Overcame Design Challenges in the Crypto Space

As a designer working on various crypto projects, I constantly faced a frustrating problem: the lack of quality UI elements and inspiration for crypto projects. Every time I started working on tokenomics, roadmaps, NFT cards, or dashboards, I found myself spending hours searching for the right elements and often coming up short.

I knew there had to be a better way.

That's why I decided to build Design Wizard. My goal was simple: create a platform where crypto developers and designers like myself could find beautiful, ready-made UI kits and templates designed specifically for the crypto space.

Design Wizard

Top comments (4)

aimonkeydev profile image
Ai monkey dev

😱😱mind blowing design, I will use it for all my crypto projects, can i get a free sample?

designwizardstudio profile image

Sure thing, can you dm us on twitter? We will offer you 5 free ui kits 🧙🏻‍♀️

cezar_26_153f5356de9bfa08 profile image
Cezar 26

I bought the NFT kit, absolutely amazing 😎

designwizardstudio profile image

Dm us on twitter, we have a cool surprise for you🧙🏽‍♂️