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Top Health Tips for Desk Working

Various research has been carried out over the years to show that the sedentary lifestyle of regular office workers is dangerous to their health. And the biggest problem is sitting in a certain spot for a long period of time without break.
A study carried out in 2010 showed that men who reported over 23 hours a week of sedentary activity have an exposed 64% chance of dying from heart disease than those who spend a bit less than 11 hours a week of sedentary activity. Desk working, at work or home, for long hours is detrimental to your overall health, so you should avoid sitting at your desk all day.
Although the nature of office/remote work is often sedentary, there are healthy steps you can take to improve your health doing this.

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Eating Breakfast

According to research that has been carried out over the years, it was revealed that workers who eat breakfast usually have increased concentration when compared to those who only had coffee in the morning. Along with that, workers that eat breakfast always tend to eat less during the day than those who don't, which helps them avoid gaining unnecessary weight even while browsing through Kasinopartio with all its addictive slot games

Frequent Short Breaks

When you're at your office or getting your remote job done, you should always avoid working for straight hours. It is detrimental to your health. Even if you take longer breaks for lunch, you still take those short breaks while working. Sitting for long uninterrupted periods of time is dangerous to your health. Move around every 15 minutes or more, and take a walk in between. Doing this is more valuable than having longer breaks.

Drinking Lots Of Water

Water is that one natural resource humans can't do without. While it is a necessity to keep the body going, it has many health benefits to us. Remote workers should drink 4 to 6 glasses a day to keep themselves healthy and hydrated. It will be even better if you have to stand up to refill your glass from the drinking fountain or the refrigerator in your home, as that can also serve as a short break while working.

Fresh Air

Fresh air is another natural resource people can't do without. Fresh air is a necessity if you're working at an office, as it can sometimes be stuffy or under-ventilated. If possible, you should open up the window near your desk. If not, let the occasional breaks you take involve walking outside the building to get fresh air, even if it is just for a short period.

Taking A Healthy Lunch & Snacks To Work

If you're working remotely from your desk at home, all you need to do is ensure that you have healthy snacks readily available in your kitchen. Or you can take breaks to make that snack available for you. For office workers, you should make a healthy lunch from your home and sit outside to eat them, rather than ordering one from a cafeteria. Instead of eating high contents from vending machines, you should eat more fruits and nuts.

Stretching At Your Desk

While you may not have the time to jog or do push-ups at your desk, you can at least stretch out your body to release tension from your arms, neck, shoulders and fingers.

Author Bio
Amila Corazan, the founder of Suomen uutiset

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