Fact: The state of pull requests is broken and we finally have the data to prove it. In our latest LinearB Labs episode we reveal the information that has led us to the inevitable conclusion that pull requests have become a massive source of toil, bottlenecks and a huge barrier to shipping.
Better yet, two people who have been thinking about how to attack this dev workflow issue – Dan Lines and Ori Keren of LinearB – are ready to actually propose a solution: continuous merge.
The next step in CI/CD, continuous merge is the concept of creating lanes where pull requests can be merged based on their risk. Plain and simple, pull requests should not all be treated the same.
The first step in continuous merge proposed in the episode is the dev tool gitStream, which automates and optimizes merging pull requests based on risk and level of attention required.
A game-changing conversation, this episode is the first time you might hear about continuous merge but it certainly won’t be the last.
Learn about the power of Continuous Merge: gitstream.cm
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