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Building Resilient APIs: A Comprehensive Guide to Throttling and Circuit Breakers with WSO2, Redis, and Kafka

This comprehensive guide provides a detailed design for implementing API throttling to prevent rate-limit errors from external providers in outbound API calls using WSO2 Micro Integrator. It also introduces the circuit breaker pattern to handle external service failures gracefully. The solution leverages Redis for data storage and management and Kafka for handling data streams and analytics. This architecture is adaptable to your organization's specific infrastructure needs and performance requirements.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of the Design
  3. Throttling Requirements and Strategies
  4. Throttling Flow
  5. Detailed Components
  6. Distributed Considerations and Operational Best Practices
  7. Implementing Circuit Breaker
  8. Combined Throttling and Circuit Breaker Solution
  9. Putting It All Together
  10. Conclusion

1. Introduction

In modern integration scenarios, managing outbound API requests efficiently is crucial for maintaining system performance and reliability. External APIs often enforce rate limits to prevent abuse and ensure fair usage among clients. Exceeding these limits can result in errors or being temporarily blocked by the provider.

By implementing both throttling and circuit breaker mechanisms in your integration layer, you can:

  • Prevent Rate-Limit Errors: Control the rate of outbound API calls to stay within provider limits.
  • Handle External Failures Gracefully: Avoid cascading failures when external services are down or experiencing issues.
  • Optimize Resource Utilization: Reduce unnecessary load on your system and the external services.
  • Improve User Experience: Provide consistent and reliable services to your clients.

This guide outlines how to implement these mechanisms using WSO2 Micro Integrator, Redis, and Kafka.

2. Overview of the Design

2.1 WSO2 Micro Integrator

  • Role: Serves as an integration engine to manage and route API calls.
  • Key Features:
    • Mediation: Processes and transforms messages between systems.
    • Throttling Logic: Implements custom throttling policies for outbound calls.
    • Circuit Breaker Implementation: Applies circuit breaker patterns to handle external service failures.
    • Extension Points: Allows for customization using custom mediators and connectors.
  • Flow Management: Orchestrates the flow of messages, including routing, transformation, and enrichment.

2.2 Redis

  • Purpose: Acts as an in-memory data store for fast read/write operations.
  • Use Cases:
    • Rate-Limiting Counters: Tracks the number of requests to external APIs.
    • Circuit Breaker State: Maintains the state (open, closed, half-open) for each external API.
  • Advantages:
    • Low Latency: Suitable for real-time operations.
    • Scalability: Supports clustering for high availability.

2.3 Kafka

  • Purpose: Provides a distributed messaging system for real-time data streaming.
  • Use Cases:
    • Event Logging: Publishes throttling and circuit breaker events for monitoring.
    • Analytics Data: Integrates with analytics systems for real-time insights.
  • Benefits:
    • High Throughput: Handles large volumes of data efficiently.
    • Fault Tolerance: Ensures data is not lost even if nodes fail.

3. Throttling Requirements and Strategies

3.1 Throttling Objectives

  1. Compliance with Provider Limits:

    • Ensure that outbound API calls do not exceed the rate limits set by external providers.
    • Avoid receiving 429 Too Many Requests or similar errors.
  2. Resource Optimization:

    • Prevent overloading the external services.
    • Avoid unnecessary retries and failures.
  3. Fair Usage:

    • Manage the distribution of outbound calls among internal processes or users.

3.2 Throttling Strategies

  1. Global Outbound Throttle:

    • Scope: Applies to all outbound calls to a specific external API.
    • Example: Limit the total number of calls to 1000 per hour to comply with the provider's limit.
  2. Transactional Throttle:

    • Scope: Applies to specific transactions or operations that may have stricter limits.
    • Example: A payment processing API allows only 10 calls per minute.
  3. Smooth Bursts:

    • Purpose: Allows short bursts without exceeding overall rate limits.
    • Example: Permit bursts of up to 50 calls within a second, as long as the hourly limit is maintained.

3.3 Throttling Algorithms

  1. Leaky Bucket:

    • Mechanism: Processes requests at a constant rate; excess requests are queued or discarded.
    • Use Case: Smoothens out bursts to maintain a consistent outbound call rate.
  2. Token Bucket:

    • Mechanism: Tokens are added to the bucket at a fixed rate; each request consumes a token.
    • Use Case: Allows bursts up to the bucket size while maintaining an average rate.
  3. Fixed Window Counter:

    • Mechanism: Counts requests in fixed time windows (e.g., per minute/hour).
    • Use Case: Simple implementation for straightforward rate limits.
  4. Sliding Window Log/Counter:

    • Mechanism: Maintains a log or counter of requests with a sliding time window.
    • Use Case: Provides more precise control over request rates.

Recommendation: Use the Token Bucket algorithm in combination with a Sliding Window Counter for effective control over both the rate and bursts of outbound API calls.

4. Throttling Flow

4.1 Outbound Request Initiation

  • Process Start: An internal service or API within WSO2 Micro Integrator initiates a call to an external API.
  • Mediation Sequence: The call goes through a mediation sequence where custom logic can be applied.

4.2 Throttling Mediator

  • Interception: A custom throttle mediator intercepts the outbound call.
  • Throttle Check:
    • Calls a Throttle Manager or queries Redis directly.
    • Determines if the outbound request is within allowed limits based on counters or tokens.

4.3 Redis Interaction

  • Counter Management:
    • Increment: Increment the counter associated with the external API.
    • Token Check: Verify if tokens are available for the request.
  • Threshold Evaluation:
    • Compare the current count against the provider's rate limits.
    • Decide whether to allow or block the request.

4.4 Decision Making

  • Allowed Requests:
    • The request proceeds to the next step in the flow, possibly reaching the external API.
  • Throttled Requests:
    • The mediator prevents the request from being sent.
    • An appropriate error or retry mechanism is invoked.

4.5 Event Logging and Monitoring

  • Kafka Integration:
    • Publish throttling events to Kafka topics for monitoring and analytics.
  • Data for Analytics:
    • Include details such as timestamp, external_api, current_count, limit, action_taken.

4.6 Backoff and Retry Mechanisms

  • Backoff Strategy:
    • Implement exponential backoff or fixed delay before retrying throttled requests.
  • Queueing:
    • Optionally queue the request for later processing when tokens become available.

5. Detailed Components

5.1 WSO2 Micro Integrator Configuration

  • Mediation Sequences:
    • Define sequences that include the throttle mediator and circuit breaker logic.
  • Custom Mediators:
    • Develop custom mediators if built-in mediators do not meet specific requirements.
  • Connectors:
    • Use or develop connectors for integration with Redis and Kafka.

5.2 Redis Data Model for Throttling

  • Key Pattern:
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  • Example Key:
  throttle:api_payment_gateway:20231013_15:00 -> integer
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  • Operations:
    • Atomic Increment: Use INCR or INCRBY commands to increment the counter.
    • Expiration: Set key expiration to match the time window (e.g., 1 hour).

5.3 Throttle Mediator Logic

  1. Extract External API ID:

    • Determine which external API the request is targeting.
  2. Calculate Time Window:

    • Determine the current time window based on the rate limit period.
  3. Interact with Redis:

    • Increment the counter for the external API and time window.
    • Check if the new count exceeds the rate limit.
  4. Decision Point:

    • If Under Limit:
      • Allow the request to proceed.
    • If Over Limit:
      • Block the request and handle it according to the defined policy.

5.4 Handling Throttled Requests

  • Error Response:

    • Return a specific error message indicating the rate limit has been exceeded.
  • Retry Mechanism:

    • Implement logic to retry the request after a certain delay.
  • Fallback Options:

    • Provide alternative processing if available.

5.5 Kafka Integration for Monitoring

  • Event Publishing:

    • Send events to Kafka when throttling actions occur.
  • Event Consumers:

    • Monitoring Dashboards: Display real-time status of outbound API calls.
    • Alerting Systems: Trigger alerts if thresholds are frequently exceeded.

6. Distributed Considerations and Operational Best Practices

6.1 Scaling WSO2 Micro Integrator

  • Clustering:
    • Run multiple instances of WSO2 Micro Integrator in a cluster.
  • Statelessness:
    • Ensure that instances are stateless and share state through Redis.

6.2 Redis Clustering

  • High Availability:
    • Use Redis Sentinel or Redis Cluster for failover and load balancing.
  • Data Consistency:
    • Configure for strong consistency in counter updates.

6.3 Kafka Setup

  • Cluster Configuration:
    • Set up a Kafka cluster with sufficient replication and partitions.
  • Consumer Groups:
    • Use consumer groups for different monitoring and analytics applications.

6.4 Configuration Management

  • Centralized Policies:
    • Store rate limit configurations in a centralized location accessible to all WSO2 instances.
  • Dynamic Updates:
    • Allow for dynamic updates to rate limit policies without redeploying services.

6.5 Monitoring and Alerting

  • Metrics Collection:
    • Collect metrics from WSO2, Redis, and Kafka.
  • Dashboards:
    • Set up dashboards using tools like Grafana or Kibana.
  • Alerts:
    • Configure alerts for anomalies, such as exceeding rate limits or Redis latency.

6.6 Error Handling and Timeouts

  • Graceful Degradation:
    • Implement default responses or fallbacks when external services are unavailable.
  • Timeout Settings:
    • Set appropriate timeouts for outbound calls to prevent hanging requests.

6.7 Security Considerations

  • Credentials Management:
    • Securely store and manage credentials for external APIs.
  • Data Protection:
    • Ensure that data passed through the system complies with security standards.

7. Implementing Circuit Breaker

7.1 Understanding the Circuit Breaker Pattern

The circuit breaker pattern is critical for preventing your system from attempting operations likely to fail, particularly when dealing with flaky or unavailable external services.

Key Concepts:

  • States:

    • Closed: Normal operation, requests go through.
    • Open: Requests are blocked to prevent overload on a failing service.
    • Half-Open: Test state to check if the external service has recovered.
  • Thresholds:

    • Failure Threshold: Number of consecutive failures required to open the circuit.
    • Reset Timeout: Time to wait before transitioning from open to half-open.

7.2 Circuit Breaker Flow

  1. Normal Operation (Closed State):

    • Outbound calls proceed as usual.
    • Monitor for failures.
  2. Detecting Failures:

    • Track consecutive failures.
    • If failures exceed the threshold, trip the circuit to the open state.
  3. Open State:

    • Immediately return an error or use a fallback without calling the external service.
    • Start the reset timeout timer.
  4. Half-Open State:

    • After the timeout, allow a limited number of test requests.
    • If successful, reset the circuit to closed.
    • If failures continue, revert to the open state.
  5. Continuous Monitoring:

    • Apply the above steps to manage the circuit state based on service health.

7.3 Integrating Circuit Breaker with Existing Architecture

  • Mediation Sequence Enhancement:

    • Incorporate circuit breaker logic into the mediation sequence after throttling.
  • State Tracking with Redis:

    • Use Redis to store circuit states and failure counts for each external API.
  • Event Publication with Kafka:

    • Publish circuit breaker events to Kafka for monitoring and analytics.

7.4 Detailed Components for Circuit Breaker

Redis Data Model for Circuit Breaker

  • Key Pattern:
  circuit_breaker:<external_api_id>:state        -> String ("open", "closed", "half-open")
  circuit_breaker:<external_api_id>:fail_count   -> Integer
  circuit_breaker:<external_api_id>:last_failure -> Timestamp
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  • Operations:

    • Get State: Retrieve the current state of the circuit.
    • Increment Failures: Increment the failure count on each failure.
    • Reset Failures: Reset the failure count after successful requests or when the circuit state changes.
    • Update State: Change the state based on the failure count and reset timeout.

Circuit Breaker Logic in Mediator

  1. State Check:

    • Retrieve the circuit state from Redis before making the outbound call.
  2. Decision Point:

    • Closed State:
      • Proceed with the outbound call.
    • Open State:
      • Skip the outbound call and return an error or fallback response.
    • Half-Open State:
      • Allow limited test requests.
  3. Response Handling:

    • Success:
      • Reset failure count.
      • If in half-open state, transition to closed state.
    • Failure:
      • Increment failure count.
      • If failure threshold is reached, transition to open state.

Kafka Integration for Circuit Breaker

  • Event Publishing:

    • Publish events such as circuit open, close, and half-open transitions.
  • Monitoring and Alerting:

    • Consumers can trigger alerts and update dashboards based on circuit breaker events.

8. Combined Throttling and Circuit Breaker Solution

Updated Flow Diagram

Internal Service --> [WSO2 Micro Integrator] --> [Throttle Mediator] --> [Circuit Breaker Mediator]
                                                        [Redis] (for state and counters)
                                                                         [Kafka] (for events)

If allowed and circuit closed:
    [WSO2 Micro Integrator] --> External API (outbound call)
Else if throttled:
    [WSO2 Micro Integrator] --> Handle according to throttling policy
Else if circuit open:
    [WSO2 Micro Integrator] --> Return error or fallback response
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Key Steps

  1. Throttle Check:

    • Evaluate if the outbound request adheres to rate limits.
    • Prevent exceeding external provider limits.
  2. Circuit Breaker Check:

    • Determine the health of the external API.
    • Decide whether to proceed with the call.
  3. Outbound Call Execution:

    • Make the call if both checks pass.
    • Monitor the success or failure of the call.
  4. Response Processing:

    • Update Redis with success or failure counts.
    • Adjust circuit state if necessary.
  5. Event Logging:

    • Publish relevant events to Kafka for monitoring.


  • Compliance: Ensures adherence to external provider rate limits.
  • Resilience: Protects the system from external service failures.
  • Efficiency: Reduces unnecessary outbound calls during failures.
  • Visibility: Provides real-time monitoring and analytics capabilities.

9. Putting It All Together

Step 1: Configure Rate Limits and Circuit Breaker Policies

  • Define Limits:

    • Set rate limits and failure thresholds based on provider policies.
  • Centralize Configuration:

    • Store configurations in a database or configuration management system.

Step 2: Implement Mediators in WSO2 Micro Integrator

  • Throttle Mediator:

    • Incorporate the logic for rate limiting outbound requests.
  • Circuit Breaker Mediator:

    • Add logic to manage circuit breaker states and decisions.
  • Sequence Design:

    • Arrange mediators in the mediation sequence appropriately.

Step 3: Set Up Redis for State Management

  • Deploy Redis:

    • Install and configure Redis instances.
  • Data Structures:

    • Implement the key patterns and operations as described.
  • High Availability:

    • Set up Redis clustering or Sentinel for reliability.

Step 4: Integrate Kafka for Event Streaming

  • Kafka Cluster Setup:

    • Deploy Kafka brokers and configure topics.
  • Producer Configuration:

    • Configure WSO2 mediators to publish events to Kafka.
  • Consumer Applications:

    • Develop applications or use existing tools to consume events.

Step 5: Implement Monitoring and Alerting

  • Dashboards:

    • Create dashboards to visualize throttling and circuit breaker events.
  • Alerting Rules:

    • Set up alerts for critical events, such as circuits opening frequently.
  • Regular Reviews:

    • Analyze reports to adjust configurations and improve performance.

Step 6: Test the Implementation

  • Functional Testing:

    • Validate that throttling and circuit breaker logic works as expected.
  • Performance Testing:

    • Simulate high load and failure scenarios.
  • Provider Compliance:

    • Ensure that the system stays within external provider rate limits.

10. Conclusion

By integrating API throttling and the circuit breaker pattern in your WSO2 Micro Integrator environment, you create a robust and resilient system capable of handling outbound API calls efficiently and safely. This combined approach provides:

  • Compliance with External Rate Limits: Prevents rate-limit errors issued by providers.

  • System Resilience: Avoids cascading failures due to external service outages.

  • Operational Efficiency: Optimizes resource usage and reduces unnecessary load.

  • Enhanced Observability: Offers real-time insights into system behavior through Kafka and monitoring tools.

Implementing these strategies helps maintain high availability and performance of your integration solutions, providing a better experience for your clients and safeguarding your backend systems.

By following the detailed design and best practices outlined in this guide, you can effectively prevent outbound API rate-limit errors, manage varying traffic patterns, and handle external service failures gracefully in production environments.

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