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Developer Nation Survey
Developer Nation Survey

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January 2020: What we've learned so far

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What's new with us?

✔️ Our latest Developer Economics survey is closing, and we'll be making preparations for the prize draws and State of the Developer Nation report which will follow. Stay tuned!

✔️ We've been having calls with our developer community, getting to know them better Hi to Dominic, Freedom, Oruche and Srikanth! Congratulations to Dominic who's book is now ready for pre-order!

✔️ Halimi received his Developer Economics hoodie from the December Newsletter draw 🎁 - thanks for letting us know! We'll be running our next draw in two week - by opening and reading this newsletter you will automatically be entered into the monthly draw!


“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.” - Lao Tzu – Tao Te Ching

Dev Resources & Articles

Best automated cross-browser testing tools: One thing that is more important than a faster delivery of products is the browser compatibility of the site that visitors use to see your products. [DZONE]

Discover millions of datasets on the web: Dataset Search is officially out of beta. [DATASETSEARCH]

Industry News

Google launches online coding course: The program, called the Google IT Automation With Python Professional Certificate, will be available through the online education service Coursera. It'll be a six-course program in beginner-level Python, which will culminate in a final capstone project focused on programming for automation. Google also said it'll fund 2,500 need-based scholarships related to IT training through, the search giant's philanthropic arm. The scholarships will run through nonprofits including Goodwill, Merit America and Upwardly Global. [CNET]

ActiveState Komodo IDE now free: There will no longer be a fee for Komodo, the multi-language IDE for Python, PHP, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, Node.js, Golang, Ruby, Perl, and a variety of other languages and frameworks. [IPROGRAMMER]

From Our Blog

We learned something from Lori Fraleigh, Senior Director of Developer Relations at Samsung Electronics. That it's important to try something new every now and then. Sometimes that might take you somewhere unexpected. Sometimes you can quit your day job and pursue your passion. Read the full story here.

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