Scott Drake talks with Dave Rael about building, learning, education, and becoming a genius maker rather than an genius
Scott Drake is the Vice President of Technology for medical education company ScholarRx in his hometown of Louisville, KY. His career in software includes stops at Microsoft in Redmond, Wash., at startups in Silicon Valley he founded, and for seven years managed his own software development company. He is the author of "The Programmer Hiring Playbook: A Crash Course in Interviewing and Hiring for Your Real-World Needs," and he is also the founder and curator of, a free, community-produced site designed to help developers create leadership development plans and discover high-yield learning resources.
- - Dave introduces the show and Scott Drake
- - Similarities in building software and building businesses
- - The importance of quick feedback
- - How Scott got started in software
- - Positioning yourself
- - Schooling and education
- - Future-proofing your career by taking a broader view
- - Scott's advice for developers to have a broader and more useful, future-proof view
- - Scott's story of failure - Missing the mindshift needed in going from individual contributor to leader, including lessons about that mindshift and the levels of leadership
- - Scott's success story - delivering on a solution with a smaller team, smaller budget, and shorter timeframe on which bigger teams with more time and bigger price tags failed
- - Scott's current team and building great teams
- - Scott's book recommendations
- - The best ways to learn while avoiding catastrophe
- - Scott's top 3 tips for delivering more value
- - Keeping up with Scott
- The Programmer Hiring Playbook: A Crash Course in Interviewing and Hiring for Your Real-World Needs - Scott Drake
- Articles by Scott
- Philip Morgan on Developer On Fire
- "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." - Grant Allen (apparently not Mark Twain)
- Scott's Twitter Response to Dave's Question about Long-Term Focus
- Fred George on Developer On Fire
- 8 Factors That Reveal if a Programmer Will Fit Your Team and Organization - Scott Drake
Scott's book recommendation:
Scott's top 3 tips for delivering more value:
- Diversify your interests
- Cut your own path
- Be picky