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Helm, the Enchanted Scepter: A novice's Guide to level 5 Kubernetes spells

In the mystical land of container orchestration, Kubernetes reigns supreme. But as powerful as Kubernetes may be, it can sometimes feel like navigating a labyrinth of YAML files and manifests. Fear not, brave adventurer, for there exists a magical tool to tame the complexity of Kubernetes: Helm, the package manager of Kubernetes.

Just as a trusty map guides weary traveler's through treacherous dungeons, Helm charts guide developers through the intricate process of deploying and managing applications on Kubernetes. In this quest, we shall embark on a journey to master Helm and harness its power to bring order to the chaos.

Step 1: Acquiring the Helm

First, we must acquire Helm and install it on our local machine. Follow the instructions for your platform from the Official Helm Documentation

Step 2: Initializing the Helm

Once Helm is installed, we can summon its powers by invoking the command:

helm version
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This incantation will reveal the Helm version, proving that the summoning was successful.

Step 3: Conjuring the Repository of Charts

With Helm at our disposal, we must now seek knowledge in the form of Helm charts. These arcane artifacts provide templates for deploying and managing applications on Kubernetes. We shall add the official repository of charts known as "Bitnami" to our Helm:

helm repo add bitnami
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To ensure the repository has been successfully added, recite the following command:

helm repo list
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Step 4: Unveiling the Charts

The Bitnami repository contains a vast trove of Helm charts. To uncover them, we shall issue the following command:

helm search repo bitnami
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This will reveal the charts available in the Bitnami repository, ready for your perusal.

Step 5: Summoning the Application

To demonstrate the power of Helm, we shall now summon an application. Let us choose the mighty "nginx" chart and install it on our Kubernetes cluster:

helm install my-nginx bitnami/nginx
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This enchantment will create a new release called "my-nginx" using the "bitnami/nginx" chart. Once the spell is complete, Helm will provide instructions on how to access your newly summoned application.

Step 6: Manipulating the Application

As your mastery over Helm grows, you may wish to manipulate the summoned application. To do so, first inspect the chart's values:

helm show values bitnami/nginx
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This will reveal the editable parameters within the chart. To alter these values, create a new file called "values.yaml" and apply your desired changes. Then, update the release using the following incantation:

helm upgrade my-nginx bitnami/nginx -f values.yaml
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Step 7: Banishing the Application

Should you wish to banish your application from the cluster, simply utter the following command:

helm uninstall my-nginx
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And just like that, your application will vanish into the void.

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Congratulations, adventurer!

You have now traversed the basics of Helm and tamed its formidable powers. With Helm by your side, you shall fearlessly journey through the realm of Kubernetes, conquering complexity and vanquishing disorder. May your path be ever guided by the wisdom of Helm charts!

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