Serverless Days ANZ 2023 was a fantastic event that showcased the vibrant serverless community. From the opening keynote to the final panel discussion, there was a palpable energy in the air as attendees shared their experiences, insights, and best practices on all things serverless. The event was a true testament to the power of community and collaboration, bringing together developers and architects from across the ANZ region and beyond.
Speakers like AWS Serverless hero Jeremy Daly and Kris Howard from AWS spoke about the importance of a well-designed developer experience and thinking in integration patterns. The event also featured panel discussions and a range of topics from security to accessibility.
The IoT trace wire game that I shared with the audience was an exciting project that Lumigo used in our booth for re:Invent last year. The game involved players navigating through a wire maze as quickly as possible, with their times recorded and sent via WiFi to a Lambda function and stored in DynamoDB. This allowed us to trace the entire process using Lumigo, demonstrating the power and usefulness of serverless computing.
The game was a real challenge to build, requiring a lot of logistical planning and work pivots, as well as extensive tinkering with IoT hardware and 3D printing. But the end result was a lot of fun for everyone involved, including myself. If you're interested in learning more about my experience building this game and how we used Lumigo to trace it, be sure to check out my blog post on Observing IoT and Lambda.
Join us in celebrating the serverless community spirit and the hardworking team that made this event possible.
Read more about the event and my experience on the Lumigo blog via this link ๐
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