## Rail Setup
$ rails new <app>
* $ bundle update - this will update the GEM, already created in first command
$ rails generate scaffold username:string password:string
1. $ rails generate scaffold recipe
$ rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development
$ rails db:migrate - run the script on the local server
$ rails new <app>
$ bundle update - this will update the GEM, already created in first command
$ rails generate scaffold username:string password:string
$ rails generate scaffold recipe
$ rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development
$ rails db:migrate - run the script on the local server
$ Inside HTML
<% tweet = Tweet.fin(1) %> this will not be shown on the HTML
<h1><%= tweet.status %></h1> this will print on the HTML screen
$ layout
to the /app/views/layouts/application.html.erb/
<%= yield %> {this will take all the other page &rest layout }
### Chapter 1 <a name="chapter-1"></a>
* $ rails new <app>
* $ bundle update - this will update the GEM, already created in first command
* $ rails generate scaffold username:string password:string
* $ rails generate scaffold recipe
* $ rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development
* $ rails db:migrate - run the script on the local server
Change to Config/routes.rb by -:
Destroy Scaffold & Text Genration
$ root to: 'users#index'
$ getΒ 'about',Β to:'pages#about'
$ $ rails -s -: run the application
$ rails destroy scaffold <app> or rails d scaffold books - Destroy
$ rails generate controller pages index contact about -: generate the controller
$ rails new myapp --database=postgresql
$ render plain: 'hello'
$ puts 'hello'
Calling the Gem for rest-client(API)
$ gem install rest-client
$ bundle update
$ rails routes
$ rails generate model book title:string author:string
$ rails generate controller book
1. <%= debug(params) %>
2. <%= debug(@data) %>
3. rails c
4. Google Developer
5. buy bug
6. Pry Gem
Error :uninitialized constant LoginController Did you mean? LoginsController
Change delete 'logout', to: 'login#destroy' to delete 'logout', to: 'logins#destroy
rails new myApp --skip-active-record
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