DEV Community

Artem Tanyhin
Artem Tanyhin

Posted on

Code reviews help both project and contributor

Hey there! Now, I'd like to tell you about how I reviewed code for a couple of Seneca projects.


The projects I chose were Intro2C which is a beginner's course into C programming, and vscode-seneca-college, which is a VS Code extension for Seneca students.

Pull requests

There were 2 pull requests that caught my eye.

First one was changing images to mermaid diagrams. I suggested to remove old code instead of leaving a dead-code comment. The person who submitted it did an amazing job, and it was just a nit-pick, but I do think that having a version control manager (GitHub in this case), we really don't need old code in new releases.

Second one was about building the VS Code extension on GitPod. I suggested to indent the YAML file so it doesn't cause troubles with some linters. I actually have had this problem, so I know this from experience, sadly...

Both persons did great job with their PRs, but keeping it clean from smallest of improprieties sometimes saves hours of troubleshooting!

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