This thread is your place to share progress with other Deepgram x DEV Hackathon participants — and to motivate one another throughout the contest!
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Very excited for this one in a kind hackathon!
I love how Deepgram & DEV are very thoughtful not only to the participants, but also to the whole supporting community! ❤
I'm super excited to see the submissions!!! 🤩
Who knows I would have some idea and participate myself as my first ever hackathon 😄
Welcome to your hackathon premier! I hope it is the first of many to come.
I sure hope so! You know where to find me if you have questions 💖
Oh wow, first hackathons are the best, I remeber mine 🤩
We're so excited to see what everyone is going to come up with! We're doing a live kickoff over on our @DeepgramDevs Twitch Account Friday, Mar 11 at 1:30pm EST and we're going to be dropping ideas, tips, and inspiration over on our @DeepgramDevs Twitter account all month long.
You can always reach out to us for help and support. Hope to hear from folks soon!
Hi, can someone just briefly explain what exactly we have to do in "Innovative Ideas" Challenge. Do we just have to come up with some idea or prepare some docs over it as well? And after I created my DeepGram account I got some free credits to use, are they permanent or do they expire after sometime?
And thanks for another Hackathon challenge :)
You're only required to write about the idea. The template for innovative ideas submissions gives some guidance for things we'll be looking at. We do encourage mockups or some audio or visual aid to support your writing if possible.
Im so very very happy when I read about Deepgram Hackathon. Because Im deaf myself and cant wait to start read accurately through everything now. Havent really been online last weeks because of sickness. BUT better late than never right?
Even it ends soon I wants to let you whose participates in this feel free to contact me to ask any questions if you wants to know anything. Maybe my deafness will be useful to help out :)
Seriously, cant describe how much grateful I'm feeling right now <3
I'm going to share this with my fellow deaf friends + communities to let them know about this lovely Hackathon.
Thanks for this! You totally made my day!
I posted a little implementation that uses NextJS -- my hope was that it'd provide a good example for those who want to get started consuming the Deepgram API using NextJS. Enjoy! dev.to/cerchie/fun-with-deepgram-a...
Well done!
Here's the second post of my deepgram innovation idea, some feedback would be nice: dev.to/arndom/audiosign-converting...
You write eloquently about signing -- this is an idea I've never thought about before, thanks for posting!
Hi @arndom I really enjoyed reading your post! I love how you're focusing on accessibility for all and can't wait to see the final result!
Thanks a ton!
I was going to ask how does Deepgram differ from other services like Twilio, then I found this great post on how you can use them both together: developers.deepgram.com/use-cases/...
Thanks Deepgram!
Awesome Michelle! You can also check out this blog post on creating a searchable phone call dashboard with Twilio & Deepgram.
Awesome as! Thank you ❤️
To my fellow Pythonistas, just published my first ever
post @: dev.to/wiseai/level-up-your-wordle...I hope you will find it useful in a way or another.
Congrats! That's a great first post.
Glad you enjoyed it. Thank you! Here goes my first article on exploring the world of Textual: dev.to/wiseai/textual-the-definiti...
Very good points you wrote here..Great stuff...I think you've made some truly interesting points.Keep up the good work. Jitbit Macro Recorder Crack
Hello! I finally started reading the deepgram docs and making their first tutorials. I must say, it's super cool 🚀. Now the thing is that I have many different ideas and I want to implement more than one. Is it allowed to post more than one submission for the build challenge? Or I must participate with a single submission? 😓
Thanks for organizing this amazing hackathon!
You can submit as many times as you want!
Trying to get going in another Hackathon on another site, so hopefully I'll find the time to contribute (code) to both. At the very least, I intend to submit something for the "Innovative Ideas" challenge.
YESSS!!!! Looking forward to what you submit.
Super excited for my submission & also wanted to see what will be the impact of my project, So far I have build a live streaming call using React.js with Agora.io and now moving toward the critical part to integrate DeepGram in live stream to make my idea in Real World.
That sounds awesome!
Hope you will found the project useful.
I have one interesting question here,
i just started exploring deepgram, i wonder how deepgram is different than other STT Python libraries out there ? as there are so many opensource python libraries are available for example github.com/mozilla/DeepSpeech !
Deepgram uses end-to-end deep learning, which allows us to have more accurate and faster transcription. And with custom models, it's more scalable to individual needs.
This might be useful:
There's more about our product here but let me know if you have more questions.
Just completed my project, Decifer. ✨
It's a cross-platform mobile app built using Flutter and it can communicate with the Deepgram API using a completely serverless architecture 🤯 .
✍️ Check out the full blog post here:
Decifer — Generate transcripts from audio using Flutter and Deepgram
Souvik Biswas ・ Apr 2 ・ 4 min read
🐙 The entire project is open-sourced here:
Generate your audio transcripts with ease.
A cross-platform mobile app that helps you to generate transcripts either from a voice recording or by uploading an audio file. The project uses a totally serverless architecture.
The mobile app is created using Flutter which is integrated with Firebase. Firebase Cloud Functions is used to deploy the backend code required for communicating with the Deepgram API.
App overview
The Flutter application consists of the following pages/screens:
For authenticating the user inside the app -- Login and Register pages are used. Authentication is required to generate unique accounts for users required for storing the generated transcripts to Firestore and facilitate cloud-sync.
The Dashboard Page displays a list of all the transcripts currently present on the user's account. It also has two buttons -…
Really cool!
Check it out guys dev.to/zainbinfurqan/lets-play-voi...
Great job!
Thanks man & thanks to Deepgram for providing such learning path.
I'm so happy to discover and learn Deepgram with hands on experience and also doing a hackathon. Who would have thought I would learn it this way 😍
That's so great of you to say. We have livestream office hours every Friday at 1:30pm EDT if you have any questions. If you can't make it during that time, feel free to hit us up on Twitter @DeepgramDevs.
Awesome! I can't wait to see what you build!
This hackathon really helps a lot to understand the use of API's in real world application.
Although I built a small application but still from here I learnt about how to use api to speech to text conversion. As well working with javascript and API , it's really awesome.
Find out my project here
I love hearing that! Great job on your project!!!
Does the Deepgram API account for other spoken languages, or only English? I couldn't find any info in the docs. Thanks in advance.
Look into this link & link . You can send the language in the second parameter. :)
Awesome. Thanks for the info.
Nice find! There are a TON of languages that we support and we're adding to that list constantly.
Decifer is now available on Google Play Store! 🎉
Download here: play.google.com/store/apps/details...
Read more about the project here:
Decifer — Generate transcripts from audio using Flutter and Deepgram
Souvik Biswas ・ Apr 2 ・ 4 min read
Very cool. I tried it this weekend!
Here's the final post of my deepgram innovation idea, hope you like it: dev.to/arndom/audiosign-converting...
This is really fascinating! Great job developing this series.
Thanks, it was a really nice experience
Let's build something useful!
Waiting to see all your submission. Best wishes!
This is great. I'm thinking of trying out the 'Innovative ideas' challenge. Hope I'll be able to come up with something before the deadline.
I'm sure you will! We also have a Deepgram support page with examples and support docs. In our first live office hours stream, we did a lot of brainstorming aloud so you might find some ideas that resonate there too.
Thanks! I'll take a look at them.
Nice challenge.
Thanks! We really love that folks can submit as many times as they want and that there's a category that requires no code!
Very excited! I wanted to participate, but unfortunately I'm not eligible :( Can I still post innovative ideas?
I'm still trying to track down the specifics on this so I can answer your question. I believe that the age eligibility is tied to the prizes. So you're welcome to submit to any category, but I think that you won't be eligible for the prizes. I will make sure I get that clarification for you. I would love to see you contribute and I love your excitement here.
just created a deepgram account.
looking forward to make a good project.
Apologies for my misunderstanding, but which thread do the comments count on, the one we're currently on, or this one?
Depends on what you mean by "count."
There are badges available in both the Help and Community Discussion Threads.
Here's my build submission for this wonderful hackathon: dev.to/arndom/artsy-audio-to-art-2pbp
Better late than never, also have a series on this, enjoy👋
Well done! Love the series
Cool hackathon! Let's go!
Finally done with my blog post.
It's about aspect-based sentiment analysis of video reviews.
You can check it out.
Great idea!
Completed my idea in this blog: dev.to/thatman/the-next-generation...
Thanks in Advance :)
Very cool. Nice work!
Hi, when will the result announce ?
Hi, Any update Ma'am?
You can check my submission here:
When will be the result announced & where?
We don't have a date yet, but it should be within the next month.
This has been my first chance to use AI features, and it has been fun! I'm finalizing my submission now :)