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Congrats to the Netlify Dynamic Site Challenge Winners! staff on May 14, 2024

The time is now! We are pleased to announce the winners of the Netlify Dynamic Site Challenge. From e-commerce sites to collaborative writing plat...
schemetastic profile image
Schemetastic (Rodrigo)

This made me so happy!

I remember the past week breaking my back, mentally tired so many times, while listening upbeat tunes to motivate me and coding as fast and good as I could trying and to pull that project in so short time, so I worked very hard, some days I worked past midnight and some days I slept less than 5 hours I think... why so much effort? They say that when you love something you demonstrate that, I wanted to demonstrate my love for web development, for myself, my family and my God. Those were great motivations behind that project, and I hope you like it, because I Love it.

I knew web accessibility was going to take me considerable time, but, still then I couldn't leave that behind, you never know if one day you'll depend on it. But now, many people depend on it, you know? I'm glad to see how that effort is paying off.

Hey! Wanna see what else will I build to help designers and developers? Do you wanna talk? Would you like to see what else I'll add to that project? Help each other? Stick with me @schemetastic !

nurasad profile image
Ainur Saduova

However, these projects were submitted on May 13 and the deadline was May 12.

bytrangle profile image
Trang Le • Edited

I submitted mine on May 13 around 1pm Indochina time (UTC+7). So the equivalent time in PDT time is around 11pm (UTC - 7) May 12. I barely make it in time! seems to display the date of each post according to the author's timezone without time. If you hover over the date, you can see a tooltip that displays the full time up to seconds.

srikant_code profile image
Srikant Sahoo • Edited

Exactly, this.

Read below if you want to learn a lesson from my past experience.
Earlier I had been into a situation where I participated in one of the online hackathon during mid 2021(Covid time). I prepared all the code for the submission, and after all the bug fixes, I happily went ahead to submit based on my time zone 1 hour before 12am deadline, but to my surprise the form was already closed!

I reached out to the coordinators, and they shared they had already mentioned the submission deadline time zone in the event page. But to be honest it was written in really small font which I overlooked and completely missed.

So just a tip - Always carefully check the deadline/last date and the timezone, whenever you are committed to participate in any such global online events.

nurasad profile image
Ainur Saduova

Thank you for your clarification!

schemetastic profile image
Schemetastic (Rodrigo)

I submitted mine on May 12, like 2 hours before the deadline, but I'm from Honduras, we are like one hour ahead of the PDT. I added an update on May 13 (Honduras time) before 12:59p.m. But still less than 11:59PDT... so both, the first submission and also the update was before the deadline. 🤷

nurasad profile image
Ainur Saduova

Thank you for your clarification!

sarahokolo profile image
sahra 💫

Congrats to all the Winners of this challenge 💥💪💥, as well as everyone who took out the time to participate 🚀🚀. Great Job everyone💫💫

mattryanmtl profile image
Matt Ryan


Saw some really nice projects during this challenge. Good job everyone.
Image description

anselm94 profile image
Merbin J Anselm

Congratulations to all the winners! 👏

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Congratulations to all! 👏

emmanuelayinde profile image
Emmanuel Ayinde

Congratulations to the winners @schemetastic @srikant_code @bytrangle. More wins

pavelee profile image
Paweł Ciosek


yowise profile image

Big congratulations everyone! 🎊

salika_dave profile image
Salika Dave

Congratulations to the winners! 🙌

mitchiemt11 profile image
Mitchell Mutandah

Awesome! 👏👏

mattlewandowski93 profile image
Matt Lewandowski

Congrats! Well deserved 🎉

gabrielsenadev profile image
Gabriel Sena

Awesome projects!! Congrats 🎉🎉

bytrangle profile image
Trang Le

Indeed, learning about cache is the biggest gift I've got.

phalkmin profile image
Paulo Henrique

Congrats to everyone!

omzi profile image
Omezibe Obioha

Congrats to the winners 🎉. Y'alls did well!