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What do you like and/or hate most about distributed conferences? Answer for the chance to be featured on our podcast!

Gracie Gregory (she/her) on December 03, 2020

The DevDiscuss Podcast begins with an interview and ends with commentary from listeners — and we like to feature the actual voices from our communi...
jonathanyeong profile image
Jonathan Yeong

I miss seeing people's faces :(. And there's also this energy at conferences that you don't feel when you're at home.

Although, I love being able to constantly snack when watching a conference at home.

mitchpommers profile image
Mitch Pomery (he/him)

You can take snacks to conferences in person. But if you do it enough you might become known as the snack person, so you need to start bringing some to share too.

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Feel free to submit this as a voice recording too, Jonathan! We loved having you at CodeLand and would love to feature your voice on the podcast 😊 Instructions above.

Hard second on the snacking benefit of at-home conference attendance.

jonathanyeong profile image
Jonathan Yeong

Just sent one! Thanks for the words of encouragement!

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graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)


mitchpommers profile image
Mitch Pomery (he/him)

I like that they are more accessible. I can attend a conference from home without needing to organize time off of work and travel to get to it.

I miss seeing people! Conferences and conventions were how I would see and catch up with friends who don't live in the same city as me. Meeting up with them in a city neither of us live in is always fun!

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

I LOVE that they are more accessible. I've attended more conferences this year (some of which I had not heard of before 2020) than all previous years. It's probably not sustainable from a funding perspective.

mitchpommers profile image
Mitch Pomery (he/him)

I've been able to attend conferences virtually for free that would have cost me in excess of $5000AUD to go to in person. Now that I've gotten to see what they are like, planning to go to them in person in the future is a less risky investment.

andrewdmay profile image
Andrew May • Edited
  • + The restrooms are less crowded at home
  • - Harder to focus on the conference (too many distractions at home)
  • - Meeting other attendees is often the best part of a conference
  • - When presenting I'd rather be in front of a crowd of people than a webcam (I'm not entirely sure why!)
margo_hdb profile image
Margo McCabe

Echoing a couple other responses, I love that distributed conferences are more accessible, from a location, cost, and time perspective. It's so nice that I can go back and watch recorded sessions if I'm unable to attend live, and awesome that people across the globe can attend with one simple click. This provides a new sense of connectivity.

The main thing I miss is human interaction, but there are solutions to that as well. Some conferences, like the WWC Connect Forward, provide the option to have randomized one-on-one video meetings with other attendees. So cool!

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

What I've liked about most distributed conferences I've attended this year is the pre-recorded format. It's really cool watching a talk "live" but the speaker is also live in the chat to engage with attendees.

Distributed conferences also feel like they have less of an environmental impact from a swag perspective. Don't get be wrong, I like good swag, but I also don't need more swag. If I remember correctly, Codeland gave attendees an option for which swag they wanted (t-shirt, tote, etc) which is a good compromise of swag and being mindful of waste.

The downside of distributed conferences is attending while also working a 9-5.

margo_hdb profile image
Margo McCabe

Really great point on the benefit from an environmentally friendly perspective... think about all those printed out pamphlets, business cards, and other docs at in-person conferences!

_bkern profile image

I liked that I continued to get some free swag. However, I miss all the people and the environmental shift. When you attend a conference in person and not from your home office almost my entire focus is on the conference and attendees.

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aminarria profile image
Amin Arria

I love been able to attend any conference just by opening a link, no travel involved (although I miss it).