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What was your win this week?

Michael Tharrington on September 22, 2023

Howdy 🤠 Hope everybody has an excellent weekend! Looking back on this past week, what was something you were proud of accomplishing? All wins co...
wraith profile image
Jake Lundberg

Accepted a job offer 😊 the job hunt is over!!!

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Congrats, Jake!!! 🎉🎉🎉

wraith profile image
Jake Lundberg

Thanks Ayu 😊😊😊

dumebii profile image
Dumebi Okolo

I'm so happy for you! Congratulations 🎊 🎊 🎊

wraith profile image
Jake Lundberg

Thank you Dumebi 😊😊😊

nibi profile image

Well done 👏 What was your experience like? I'm at 80 sent applications 10 interviews, 3 offers I didn't accept and 6 rejections for the roles I really wanted. It's getting exhausting

wraith profile image
Jake Lundberg

Sadly, your experience sounds very familiar to a lot of other engineers I've talked to over the last few months...and mine wasn't much better. I submitted over 120 applications, received lots of rejection emails, had 19 total interviews between 5 companies of which I was rejected by 3 of them. I was in the last part of interviewing with the 5th when I accepted the offer from the 4th.

The process is really rough right now. Especially when you compare it to a year or 2 ago. With all the layoffs that have gone on over the last several months, there are a LOT of engineers out there looking for jobs. I've seen some positions with more than 1000 applicants 😬 It's really hard to stand out in a crowd like that...

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt


wraith profile image
Jake Lundberg

thanks Thomas 😊😊😊

starboysharma profile image
Pankaj Sharma

My project is moving from AngularJS to Web Components. I started learning about Web Components and Reactivity in JS.

I'm exploring any JS library that can add Reactivity to my JS codebase.
I found an excellent article about Reactivity

thetanweerali profile image

Creating an account on lol

dumebii profile image
Dumebi Okolo

Welcome. 😁

thetanweerali profile image

Thanks Dumebi! :)

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Welcome to DEV Community, Tanweer! 👋🏼😄

thetanweerali profile image

Heyy!! Ayu

Thanks! :)

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Then.. welcome ! 🎉

mitchiemt11 profile image
Mitchell Mutandah

Welcome to the community!

thetanweerali profile image

Hey Thanks man!

ex_y profile image

Started a small personal project a little while ago and it's done and up on github :)
Banksy. The documentation definitely needs some work but it's nice to have something I can point to on my resume that i made :)

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Oh awesome, Ashe! I almost expected it to be about the graffiti artist, haha. Anywho, congrats on getting this one up and running. 🙌

khair_al_anam profile image
Khair Alanam

I had a really good morning and a really good hot cup of tea =D

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Cheers to that! ☕️ (got a good cup of joe in my hand this AM 😀)

khair_al_anam profile image
Khair Alanam

That's awesome :D

misselliev profile image
Elizabeth Villalejos

I think my anxiety in interviews has gotten a bit better. Also I got 6 interviews this week.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Woot! Wow, that's a heckuva lot of interviews, Elizabeth. I hope those interviews all go well (you got this!!) and that you find something good.

ardenine profile image

Started studying for certifications; continued studying tech courses; designing and shaping the basics of new projs.

dumebii profile image
Dumebi Okolo
  • I wrote an article about my struggle with Impostor syndrome and the steps I'm taking to get better. The article blew up more than I anticipated it would. Makes me very happy.

  • I attended my first Dev mod meet up, and I enjoyed every bit of it.

Not been my best week, but it was a good week at all. ❤️

mellen profile image
Matt Ellen-Tsivintzeli

I have created a proper dad joke of a meme for Meme Monday next week. Looking forward to the cringe-laughs.

I love rats, so rat gifs are always a win :D

jackynote profile image
Jacky • Edited

Got more 200 followers on Haha :D. Follow me if you wanna me tell about Life of Java Developer

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

I got a chance to talk on Virtual Coffee Podcast about Preptember and Hacktoberfest. And the episode is up this week! 😍

bhendi profile image

I wrote a post after taking a long break

webplayground profile image
Christopher Howard

My app got over 400 visitors in the past 2 weeks. I was very skeptical about paying for it to be listed on a website, but I went through with it. The site that I listed it on( skyrocketed my views.

You can check out the site at

lukeskw profile image
Lucas Porfirio

Wrote an article here, improved my linkedin, started a new project. Improving .1% per day!

elketron profile image
Odmar Goyvaerts

Learning the basics of godot and game design (this part is still a work in progress).

taikedz profile image

Got my text files linker project working with its MVP features done 💪

It's my first Rust project, so I'm learning still, it's riddled with inane comments... might be an example/tutorial resource? 😅

It's intended to become a replacement for my old bash-builder utility which hasn't seen much love lately since moving more towards python, but I reckoned a tool that allows snippet re-use and deploying single files combined from multiple ones would still be useful as a general purpose.

So... here we are!

snaka profile image
kamo333 profile image

I finally understand how to approach solving problems, got a few wins and few losses but the progress is much better that last week, definitely!

polterguy profile image
Thomas Hansen • Edited

We've got "statistically significant numbers" on how much more product we're able to move through a Shopify website with our AI chatbot, and the figures are almost 400% additional sales. For this particular client we're selling products worth $34,975.92 every month. This is product he was not able to move previously. Notice, we're charging €198 per month for this product, so hold on to your Willies, we're anticipating a RUSH of clients ^_^

Yet again, not really software development relevant, but it is software, AI, and software definitely :)

ksolomon profile image
Keith Solomon

Got the site I’ve been working on ready for launch after client training/preview Monday. Waiting for them to finish their side so we can flip the DNS switch and make it live.

overflow profile image
overFlow • Edited

I knew you would ask this question again lol ... remember I was busy with promises and them. I kinda figured it out and connected the dots.
I feel like Promises are not tutored properly and maybe even on purpose. I don't know.

I been deep in errors and stuff.
Only to think it started with API’s. I then discovered the darks side. That I knew existed but not to this extent.
Went through books like :”you don’t know JS and may others cos I thought they would teach me something but they are a bit boring and Tiring...a bit verbose perhaps a bit too narrative like. Perhaps they are for someone that already know the irony.

But anyways I’m still on. it seems like there is more to learn. When will this end ?!
What else is out there anyone care to list for me.

mitchiemt11 profile image
Mitchell Mutandah

Unfortunately, our submission for a new version of the mobile app was rejected by the Google Play Store due to a few bugs 😢
On a positive note, the number of views on my post here has now reached approximately 20k 😊

memahesh profile image
Medam Mahesh
makhnanov profile image

Wrote First Goggle Chrome Browser Extension.

ctaverna profile image
Claudio Taverna

This week I got 1K+ followers and I joined the AWS Community Builders organization.

carlarjenkins profile image

Passed my Oracle Cloud AI Foundations Associate exam. Happy to now be multi-cloud AI certified (Azure and Oracle Cloud).

leomeloxp profile image
Leo Melo

Finished the last project in the Let's Get Rusty bootcamp! And now I'll move on to building my own apps using Rust 😎

kurealnum profile image

Finally started studying for all of my classes; not just the ones that are important. I'm busier, but I feel much more accomplished.

pxlmastrxd profile image
Caleb (pxlmastr)

I made Ronsay. It's legit cowsay but with a photo of my dog, Ron. It really brightens up the terminal

darrylbayliss profile image
Darryl Bayliss

I was asked to give a talk at a popular local dev meetup!

khair_al_anam profile image
Khair Alanam

Released my second blog on Rust!
My first blog got over 150 views which is pretty huge for me :D

integerman profile image
Matt Eland

We officially announced my promotion to AI Specialist this week! Also I finished a pair of Coursera courses on ML topics and I submitted a number of proposals to write technical books in the new year.

cereal84 profile image
Alessandro Pischedda

Find some beta testers for my service and receive some feedback.

j12y profile image
Jayson DeLancey • Edited

I gave a talk at a conference and wrote a blog post on about a topic from the session.

johnwritescode_ profile image
ツ John

Still gaining traction on my project,, even after Product Hunt launch.

Normally traffic completely stops lol