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What was your win this week?

Michael Tharrington on September 23, 2022

Hey y'all! 👋 Hope everybody is having a fantastic Friday and that you all have wonderful weekends! Looking back on this past week, what was somet...
varshithvhegde profile image
Varshith V Hegde

My this week's win was getting featured in your post.

t0nghe profile image
Tonghe Wang

Hope you can get infinite number of likes so you have a bigger win next week!

highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes

Starting a new job on monday after 6 months of rest!

t0nghe profile image
Tonghe Wang

Congrats bro! (It's also refreshing to see you describe it as rest. LOL.)

alvesjessica profile image
Jessica Alves

Practicing a lot of regex \o/

t0nghe profile image
Tonghe Wang • Edited
^That\'s dope!$
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xomiamoore profile image
Mia Moore

Worked through a complicated JavaScript exercise on stream that I had gotten stuck on previously!

juanvegadev profile image
Juan Vega

I have a 3 weeks strike on writing 🎉

gregorygaines profile image
Gregory Gaines

I recently wrote a post that has more comments than the most liked post on DEV, in just 2 days!!

You should check it out, it's a banger!!

wojtekxtx profile image
Wojtek X


This is because what you wrote goes without saying really. Its basics of thge basics every developer should know.

anderspersson profile image
Anders Persson

More understanding of Haskell

t0nghe profile image
Tonghe Wang
main = putStrLn "That's awesome!"
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matteobruni profile image
Matteo Bruni

My first WordPress plugin, for Gutenberg, but that's something.

Sometimes it was hard to understand the documentation, but I at least I did it.

After that I started using SVN for updating it, and it was my first time using SVN in a real way.

dendihandian profile image
Dendi Handian • Edited

My most viewed post 'Adding PHP 8 to Laragon' just hit 42K view, probably will hit 50K by the end of next month. The post is read by 100 users each day on average.

Seems the post is one of the top search results for the case. Thanks to

t0nghe profile image
Tonghe Wang

Hugs bro. Having to deal with PHP, you must be a really strong man.

roneo profile image • Edited
  • my first contribution to hugo notice has been merged!
  • finally finished the book " Hugo in action"
  • reviewed a new hugo theme
  • updated with a few new themes (and fixed a bug on the way: now Github data are properly updated)
  • submitted a PR to Papermod, the theme I choosed for my devblog

' was a nice week!

revenity profile image
Revenity • Edited

Make a good-looking simple webpage as a backend developer :)

theaccordance profile image
Joe Mainwaring • Edited

I stumbled across

As Director of Infrastructure, I have a large and complex cloud platform that includes three product acquisitions and extrapolates into something like 20 different vendors and 3,000 containers running using kubernetes. That's a lot of mental gymnastics depending on the context of a given problem. This OSS package would help lessen the burden of knowing the nuances of everything.

So far I have spent ~ 6 hours prototyping an implementation and I'm seeing an incredible amount of value. Some of the highlights thus far:

  • All the auth options. I went with Github given the core audience for this implementation but I could have easily went with my official SSO provider Okta as well. Google was also an option.
  • Backstage pulled in all the users and groups from Github, that's less I have to implement or manage and I can easily reference the groups for access control of specific resources. (example: Contractors cannot have access to my production resources)
  • I was able to define a few of my org's Github Projects, and aggregrated insights from: Docs, CircleCI, Github Actions, Pull Requets, JIRA, Codescanning, and errors, in addition to some custom context like links.
  • I will be able to do the same for my deployed resources, both public facing and back-office.
  • It's built in React and Typescript. My team builds in React and Typescript, enabling them to extend this if they come up with ideas for new widgets and views.

In short, this will make my 60-member engineering team's lives easier working across the complexities of our environment. When their jobs are easier, they're happier, get more done, and spend less time looking for a new job, I consider that very much a win.

mellen profile image
Matt Ellen-Tsivintzeli

This week I managed to decipher some old code (not written by me, either) to understand a data structure I had to generate data from.

Incredibly deep structure and obscure naming. I'm just glad I don't have to change any of it.

lexiebkm profile image
Alexander B.K.

I tried 3 different backends to supply data to a simple Flutter app in its PaginatedTableData widget. Only Node.js + Express worked (also worked in React Native component), whereas PHP + Laravel and C# + Core didn't, due to cors issue that I didn't succeed to handle.
Next time, I will try with Java + Spring and Kotlin + Spring (and probably Kotlin + KTor).

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

More skills with the ORM Prisma 🤔😄

pcnova profile image
Paul C

Figured out why a seemingly simple TypeORM query was crashing our testing environment (hint: eager loading).

gouravkewat profile image
Gourav Kewat

internship , let me know

muzizwane profile image

started learning the coursera meta back end development.

rickvian profile image
Rickvian Aldi

I did Front end talk and it went well, i spend i guess 48 hours to craft and rehearsal on this