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I learnt Python a year ago, is there some open source projects I can contribute in?

Hassan Zekkouri on August 07, 2019

Hi there! Since 2018,I used to solve some hackerrank challenges with python,I tried Django aswell but in deep. I teached python basics for one mont...
rhymes profile image

Applying to GSoC it's a good way to contribute back to the community, in the meantime you could look at the libraries you use in your projects and see if they need help (most do).

I think there's a lot more momentum in working on tools you use daily than with picking a random Python project you're not familiar with and send contributions. Anyhow, Awesome Python is a good list of various popular projects

dgrinderhz profile image
Hassan Zekkouri

You are right!
I have to find something I am familiar with or willing to learn!

dgrinderhz profile image
Hassan Zekkouri

Ok thank you for the comment

josephmancuso profile image
Joseph Mancuso

If you're interested in building the next great Python web framework: Masonite

dgrinderhz profile image
Hassan Zekkouri

I will read through the How to contribute section and let you know about my decision!

I will try the framework as well!

dgrinderhz profile image
Hassan Zekkouri

Oh! Sounds interesting! I will take a look at it!

6a68 profile image
Jared Hirsch

It's great that you're interested in GSoC, but you could just directly start contributing now (the GSoC application process won't start until the spring of 2020). In general, open source projects are so happy to have new contributors that they'll help you get involved without any elaborate application process.

Good open source experiences tend to involve larger, stable projects with friendly and consistent maintainers.

You can figure out if a given Github repo fits the bill by looking at:

  • recent activity (insights tab - contributors item, are there recent commits, or has the repo gone quiet?)
  • pull requests (how long have they been there? are the comments rude or kind?)
  • issues in the issue tracker (again, how old are they? are issues filed by outsiders handled promptly and with respect?)
  • and the presence (or absence) of docs in the repo on how to contribute and a code of conduct.

Project communications are good to look at, too, whether that's gitter, slack, or a mailing list: are plans aired in the open, or is code dropped on the community without a chance for public comment? Are the core devs respectful and kind? Does their conversation follow their own code of conduct? If new people ask for help, do they get help, or are they ignored?

Mozilla has a strong contributor community, and we have a ton of python projects that might be worth checking out, have a look:

You could also look for projects whose maintainers invest in improving their community. For instance, check out the people and projects listed here:

Good luck!

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald

Not to sound overly self-promotional, but there is a massive gap between knowing how to use Python, and truly knowing Python. It was years before I truly understood what made the Python language so powerful. Once you grasp that, you definitely can feel the usefulness and spirit of Python.

I've been turning all of those "aha moments" into my Dead Simple Python series, which I think you'd find helpful.

dgrinderhz profile image
Hassan Zekkouri

Ok,I will check it out! Thanks

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

You can contributing to Zappa. I'm looking at it as a serverless technology for AWS.

hashmicode profile image
Khurram Hashmi

That sounds cool

maheshkale profile image
Mahesh K

Pick a web framework like django. Find one with less involvement and contribute it. Django has too many people in it. But other frameworks can have enough room to allow new contributor.

dgrinderhz profile image
Hassan Zekkouri

Ok thanks for the infos

hakancelik96 profile image
Hakan Çelik

You can contribute coogger project its a platform for devs developed by me.

You first should read

dgrinderhz profile image
Hassan Zekkouri

The is not working

hakancelik96 profile image