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Jalal Uddin
Jalal Uddin

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Using AdminLTE Blade Components in Laravel

AdminLTE3 is one of the most popular Bootstrap admin template which is completely free. We can use AdminLTE in our Laravel projects in several ways. But since Laravel 7.x, we can use Blade Components like <x-component /> and make our development faster than before.

We, backed developers, are mainly focused on Backed. Thus we need rapidness in frontend of view of Admin Panel. Using such a template of bootstrap is one of the first steps towards rapid-development. Another step can be using Blade Components in laravel.


To get started with Laravel Blade components, you need to install a composer package:

composer require dgvai/laravel-adminlte-components
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Extracting Plugins

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=adminlte-dg-plugins
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  • Option 1: You can use this package, stand-alone with AdminLTE installed in your app. You just need to add an @yield('js') at the bottom of your master blade layout.

  • Option 2: [Recommended] Or, if you use jeroennoten/Laravel-AdminLTE package, then you do not need to add anything at master. I will recommend to use this package.

If you choose Option 2, paste this config into the config/adminlte.php file in plugins key: PASTE this configuation


You can find full documentation of usage from the repository link.

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