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My transition from Medium to

As writers, we often find solace in the comfort of a familiar platform, where our words flow freely, and our thoughts find a home. For me, that platform has been Medium. Over time, I've been fortunate to build a following of 113 readers and watched with gratitude as my articles garnered thousands of views. Yet, change is a constant companion in the world of digital content, and I believe it's time to embrace a new chapter in my writing journey.

Why the Move?

You might be wondering why I'm making this switch, considering the comfort and success I've experienced on Medium. The truth is, while Medium has been a fantastic platform, offers a unique and refreshing environment that aligns better with my values as a writer.

Community-Centric Approach: is renowned for its strong and supportive community, particularly in the tech and development niches. It's a place where writers and readers engage in meaningful conversations, and I'm eager to be part of that.

Open Source and Flexibility: is open source, which means more control over my content. I can even customize my blog to match my personal branding, giving me the freedom to express my unique style.

No Paywall: Unlike Medium, doesn't have a paywall. My content remains freely accessible to everyone, ensuring that knowledge and ideas are shared without barriers.

Editorial Freedom: On, I have the freedom to choose my content's licensing and retain full control over my articles. It's all about putting the writer in charge of their own work.

What to Expect

In the coming weeks and months, I'll be moving my articles from Medium to You can expect to find the same thoughtful insights, in-depth explorations, and discussions on topics that matter to me and, hopefully, to you.

I invite you to follow me on this journey. Join me on, where we'll continue the conversation, explore new horizons, and engage with a community that's passionate about writing, learning, and growth.


Change can be daunting, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. Transitioning from Medium to is a step I'm taking with optimism and excitement. I hope you'll come along for the ride, and together, we'll embark on a new chapter of exploration, learning, and connection. Thank you for being part of this journey.

So, without further ado, let's turn the page and dive into this new adventure on I look forward to what lies ahead, and I hope you do too.

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