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At 42 I landed my first full-job as a junior web developer.

Luc_C on May 31, 2020

 I want to share with you my journey getting my first full-time job as a web developer. I know that the title already told you what this article i...
manishfoodtechs profile image
manish srivastava

Congratulations Luc. I did my Chemical Engineering 15 years back, then gone for MBA, then became a govt bank officer. After, 10 years in bank, I decided to quiet my job to pursue my dream regards to some IT projects.

Just like you, I also keep apply apply apply what I learn.

This is my story about getting a job. It’s nothing fancy. It’s about fighting for my dream, pursue it and, achieved it against all odds.

digital_accolades profile image

This is wonderful. You will succeed. You are awesome!

caitlineelliott profile image
Caitlin Elliott

Great post! Congratulations on your new job!

digital_accolades profile image

Thank you.

maciejcieslik profile image
Maciej Cieslik

Congratulations new job :) I'm almost in your age (38) and from more than 10 years I do websites in small local company (low tech, js, custom php cms - old school) and since 2016 I was tired all that struggle with promotion, almost zero progress, old tech, etc but I liked my comfort zone. And than my daughter was born changing everything. Now it's hard to learn new things, but I try working 8 hours, than family time and when wife and kid goes to sleep I sit and code. I do not recommend this way :) Instead think of your future ahead and F your comfort zone as it will someday kill you if you not leave it.

Hope, on my 40 I will be working as a nodejs dev (self employed or in corp.).

Cheers mate:)

davelsan profile image
David Velasco

Tener la valentía de reinventarte contra viento y marea, y el tesón para perseguir tus sueños, ya te hace alguien especial. Nunca pierdas eso.

Felicidades por el nuevo trabajo, Luc. Mucha suerte y disfruta del camino.

digital_accolades profile image

Mil gracias.

hamiltondustin profile image

Thank you for your story. I went to school for web and graphic design in 2005-2006 and did a few sites then 2008 hit and I left my passion and am now trying to reteach myself on off time. I’m almost 40 and have been told I am wasting my time. It got me down and I stopped studying for about 4 months. I had enough self doubt that those negative comments just confirmed it. But my journey and what I want isn’t dictated by their views. So I am back at it. Thanks again and you gained a follower on Twitter!

quenquenpotter profile image

Great past, grats on the job!

miku86 profile image

Luc, awesome!

calvinpak profile image

Very inspiring story! Thanks for sharing!

thelazydiarist profile image
Ben Fielding

Inspirational story!

heypran profile image

your life can be whatever you want it to be, given that you persist. All the best.

bugsysailor profile image
Bugsy Sailor

Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your story.

mihaimyh profile image
Mihai Dumitru

This is inspiring for all of us still hoping to be a dev.

thehumblesikh profile image

Congratulations, and the best of luck! :)

robertdoyle25 profile image
Rob Doyle

Congratulations on landing your job. You did fantastic 👍

digital_accolades profile image

Thank you

digital_accolades profile image

Thank you.