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Benefits of DevOps team players interaction. Outsourcing DevOps vs in-house DevOps: what you need to know

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Every business is pushed to release its product as early as possible, especially when it’s an innovative one. That’s the reason why companies aim to shorten their software development life cycle and achieve bigger results in less time. Therefore, a wide range of new technological methodologies arises to bring optimization processes to perfection.

DevOps, as a connector of development and operation stages, is a good service for faster product deployment. DevOps practices made it possible to promptly go through every phase of software development from analyzing and building to application release with consequent fixing, when required.

Speaking about DevOps team, it’s correct to involve the concept of workflow value. With other words, how exactly to establish every work moment, so everyone could benefit from it.

Unity of every team member’s skills and talents matters. For instance, collaboration of Dev and Ops engineers makes an important contribution to an ongoing project. They combine their efforts to create Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery, essential components of the DevOps pipeline. As soon as all CI and CD stages are established, congratulations, DevOps methodology has been successfully implemented into your company project.

And obviously, every company that tends to implement DevOps technologies faces the following choices: to hire insider team or outsourcing. Let’s focus on motives to choose an outsourcing development team.

Nowadays, many businesses use an outsource approach. Exclusively isolated approaches can be already considered as a relic of the past. When team players work together, they initially have the same goal and common key performance indicator.

So the main reasons to delegate project tasks to outsource DevOps specialists are:

  • Access to expertise;
  • Good value for money;
  • Project management on the vendor’s side;
  • Mentorship for your in-house team.

Anyhow, such an approach will fit not to every strategy. I offer you to visit this article to know, in which cases outsourcing devops can be a disadvantage. You may also learn about DevOps as a service and how it works.

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