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Dipayan Das
Dipayan Das

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Working Notes for AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty (MLS-C01)

This is the link of my blog on renewal of AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty (MLS-C01).
*Modeling *

Difference between L1 and L2 Regularization 

L1 and L2 regularization are techniques used to prevent overfitting in machine learning models by adding a penalty term to the loss function. Here’s a breakdown of their differences:
L1 Regularization (Lasso)
Penalty Term: Adds the absolute value of the coefficients to the loss function.
Feature Selection: Encourages sparsity, meaning it can shrink some coefficients to exactly zero, effectively performing feature selection.
Use Case: Useful when you have a large number of features and expect only a few to be important.
L2 Regularization (Ridge)
Penalty Term: Adds the squared value of the coefficients to the loss function.
Weight Shrinkage: Tends to distribute the weights more evenly, shrinking them but not necessarily to zero.
Use Case: Useful when you want to keep all features but reduce their impact to prevent overfitting.
Key Differences:
Sparsity: L1 regularization can produce sparse models (many coefficients are zero), while L2 regularization generally does not.
Computation: L1 regularization can be more computationally intensive due to the absolute value operation, especially in high-dimensional spaces.
Interpretability: L1 regularization can make models more interpretable by selecting a subset of features.
Imagine you’re building a model to predict house prices. If you use L1 regularization, the model might identify that only a few features (like location and size) are important and set the coefficients of less important features (like the number of bathrooms) to zero. With L2 regularization, the model would reduce the impact of less important features but still include them in the prediction.


In the context of machine learning, a Normalizer is a preprocessing technique used to scale individual samples to have unit norm. This is particularly useful when you want to ensure that each data point is treated equally, regardless of its original scale.

How Normalizer Works:
The Normalizer scales each sample (i.e., each row of the data matrix) independently so that its norm (L1, L2, or max) equals one. This is different from standardization or min-max scaling, which operate on features (columns).

Types of Norms:
L1 Norm: Sum of the absolute values of the vector components.
L2 Norm: Square root of the sum of the squared values of the vector components (Euclidean norm).
Max Norm: Maximum absolute value among the vector components.

Standard Scaler

A Standard Scaler is a preprocessing technique used in machine learning to standardize the features of a dataset. This involves removing the mean and scaling the data to unit variance. It’s particularly useful for algorithms that assume the data is normally distributed or sensitive to the scale of the features, such as linear regression, logistic regression, and support vector machines.
How Standard Scaler Works:
The Standard Scaler transforms the data so that it has a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one. The formula for standardization is:
( x ) is the original feature value,
( \mu ) is the mean of the feature,
( \sigma ) is the standard deviation of the feature,
( z ) is the standardized feature value.

Difference between Standard Scalar and Normalizer

The Standard Scaler and Normalizer are both preprocessing techniques used in machine learning, but they serve different purposes and are applied in different contexts.
Standard Scaler:
Purpose: Standardizes features by removing the mean and scaling to unit variance.
where ( x ) is the original feature value, ( \mu ) is the mean, and ( \sigma ) is the standard deviation.
Application: Applied to each feature (column) independently.
Use Case: Useful when the data follows a Gaussian distribution or when you want to ensure that each feature contributes equally to the model.
Effect on Data: Transforms the data to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1, but does not bound the data to a specific range.
Sensitivity to Outliers: Less sensitive to outliers compared to normalization.
Purpose: Scales individual samples to have unit norm.
where ( |\mathbf{x}| ) can be the L1, L2, or max norm.
Application: Applied to each sample (row) independently.
Use Case: Useful when you want to ensure that each data point is treated equally, regardless of its original scale, such as in text classification or clustering.
Effect on Data: Transforms each sample to have a norm of 1, making the data points lie on a unit hypersphere.
Sensitivity to Outliers: More sensitive to outliers, as extreme values can dominate the normalization process.
Key Differences:
Scope: Standard Scaler operates on features (columns), while Normalizer operates on samples (rows).
Goal: Standard Scaler aims to standardize features to have zero mean and unit variance, while Normalizer aims to scale each sample to have unit norm.
Use Cases: Standard Scaler is often used in algorithms that assume normally distributed data, such as linear regression, while Normalizer is used in algorithms that are sensitive to the scale of individual samples, such as k-nearest neighbors.

Compare Stochastic gradient descent, RMSProp, Adam, Adagrad

Sure! Here’s a comparison of four popular optimization algorithms used in machine learning: Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), RMSProp, Adam, and Adagrad.
Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
Description: Updates the model parameters by moving in the direction of the negative gradient of the loss function with a fixed learning rate.
Simple and easy to implement.
Fixed learning rate can lead to slow convergence.
Can get stuck in local minima or saddle points.
Use Case: Suitable for large-scale and online learning scenarios.
Description: An adaptive learning rate method that adjusts the learning rate for each parameter based on the magnitude of recent gradients.
Adapts learning rates based on gradient history.
Prevents the learning rate from becoming too small.
Requires tuning of hyperparameters like the decay rate.
Use Case: Effective for non-stationary objectives and problems with sparse gradients.
Adam (Adaptive Moment Estimation)
Description: Combines the benefits of RMSProp and momentum. It maintains an exponentially decaying average of past gradients (momentum) and squared gradients (RMSProp).
Adaptive learning rates for each parameter.
Combines the benefits of both momentum and RMSProp.
Generally performs well across a wide range of problems.
More complex and computationally intensive.
Requires tuning of multiple hyperparameters.
Use Case: Widely used in deep learning due to its robustness and efficiency.
Adagrad (Adaptive Gradient Algorithm)
Description: Adapts the learning rate for each parameter based on the frequency and magnitude of updates. Parameters with infrequent updates get larger learning rates.
Automatically adjusts learning rates based on parameter updates.
Suitable for sparse data.
Learning rate can decrease too aggressively over time.
May require resetting or modifying the learning rate schedule.
Use Case: Effective for problems with sparse features or data.
Summary Comparison:
SGD: Simple, fixed learning rate, can struggle with .
RMSProp: Adaptive learning rate, good for non-stationary objectives, requires tuning.
Adam: Combines momentum and adaptive learning rates, robust, widely used.
Adagrad: Adaptive learning rate, good for sparse data, learning rate may decrease too much.
Each optimizer has its strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of optimizer can depend on the specific problem and dataset.

Cross Entropy Log Loss

Cross-entropy loss, also known as logarithmic loss or log loss, is a widely used loss function in machine learning, particularly for classification tasks. It measures the performance of a classification model whose output is a probability value between 0 and 1.
How Cross-Entropy Loss Works:
The cross-entropy loss function calculates the difference between the actual label and the predicted probability. The formula for binary classification is:
( N ) is the number of samples,
( y_i ) is the actual label (0 or 1),
( p_i ) is the predicted probability for the positive class.
For multi-class classification, the formula generalizes to:
( C ) is the number of classes,
( y_{i,c} ) is a binary indicator (0 or 1) if class label ( c ) is the correct classification for sample ( i ),
( p_{i,c} ) is the predicted probability for class ( c ) for sample ( i ).
Key Features:
Penalty for Incorrect Predictions: The loss increases as the predicted probability diverges from the actual label. A perfect prediction (probability close to 1 for the correct class) results in a low loss, while a poor prediction (probability close to 0 for the correct class) results in a high loss12.
Consider a binary classification problem where the actual labels are [1, 0, 1] and the predicted probabilities are [0.9, 0.2, 0.8]. The cross-entropy loss for this example would be calculated as:
Binary Classification: Used in logistic regression, neural networks, and other binary classifiers.
Multi-Class Classification: Applied in softmax classifiers, neural networks, and other multi-class models.

Difference between Naive Bayesian and full Bayesian network

Naive Bayes and Bayesian Networks are both probabilistic models used in machine learning, but they differ significantly in their assumptions and complexity. Here’s a comparison:
Naive Bayes
Assumptions: Assumes that all features are independent of each other given the class label. This is known as the “naive” assumption1.
Complexity: Simple and computationally efficient, making it easy to implement and fast to train1.
Use Cases: Often used in text classification, spam filtering, and sentiment analysis due to its simplicity and effectiveness1.
Model Structure: Does not explicitly represent dependencies between features. It uses a straightforward application of Bayes’ theorem1.
Bayesian Networks
Assumptions: Does not assume independence between features. Instead, it models the dependencies between variables using a directed acyclic graph (DAG)2.
Complexity: More complex and computationally intensive compared to Naive Bayes. It requires more data and computational resources to train2.
Use Cases: Suitable for scenarios where understanding the relationships between variables is crucial, such as in medical diagnosis, risk assessment, and decision support systems2.
Model Structure: Represents conditional dependencies between variables explicitly, allowing for more nuanced and accurate modeling of real-world scenarios2.
In summary, Naive Bayes is a simpler, faster model that works well when the independence assumption holds or when computational efficiency is a priority. Bayesian Networks, on the other hand, provide a more detailed and accurate representation of variable dependencies but at the cost of increased complexity and resource requirements.

Model - Variance, Bias and Overfitting, Underfitting

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Difference between Target encoding and Target encoding with mean transform plus smoothening

Target encoding and target encoding with mean transformation plus smoothing are techniques used to handle categorical variables in machine learning. Here’s a breakdown of their differences:
Target Encoding
Basic Concept: Converts categorical values into numerical values by replacing each category with the mean of the target variable for that category.
Mechanism: For each category, calculate the mean of the target variable and use this mean to replace the category.
Example: If you have a categorical feature “City” and a target variable “House Price,” target encoding would replace each city with the average house price for that city.
Target Encoding with Mean Transformation Plus Smoothing
Enhanced Concept: Adds a smoothing factor to the basic target encoding to handle categories with few observations more robustly.
Mechanism: Combines the mean target value for each category with the overall mean target value, weighted by the number of observations in each category. This helps to prevent overfitting, especially for categories with few data points.
Smoothing Formula:
Encoded Value=n+kn⋅Category Mean+k⋅Global Mean​
where ( n ) is the number of observations in the category, and ( k ) is a smoothing parameter.
Example: Using the same “City” and “House Price” example, this method would adjust the mean house price for each city by blending it with the overall mean house price, depending on the number of houses in each city.
Key Differences
Overfitting: Basic target encoding can overfit to categories with few observations, while smoothing helps mitigate this by incorporating the global mean.
Stability: Smoothing provides more stable estimates for categories with limited data, making the model more robust.

Multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) vs PCA

Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) are both techniques used for dimensionality reduction, but they have different approaches and applications:
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Goal: PCA aims to reduce the dimensionality of data by transforming it into a new set of variables (principal components) that capture the maximum variance in the data.
Method: It works by finding the directions (principal components) along which the variance of the data is maximized. These components are orthogonal (uncorrelated) to each other.
Data Requirement: PCA operates on the original data matrix and requires the data to be linearly related.
Output: The result is a set of principal components that can be used to reconstruct the data with reduced dimensions1.
Multidimensional Scaling (MDS)
Goal: MDS aims to place each object in a low-dimensional space such that the between-object distances are preserved as well as possible.
Method: It starts with a distance matrix (pairwise distances between objects) and tries to find a configuration of points in a low-dimensional space that maintains these distances.
Data Requirement: MDS can work with any kind of distance or dissimilarity measure, not just Euclidean distances.
Output: The result is a spatial representation of the data where the distances between points reflect the original dissimilarities2.
Key Differences
Basis: PCA is based on variance and linear relationships, while MDS is based on distances and can handle non-linear relationships.
Data Input: PCA uses the original data matrix, whereas MDS uses a distance matrix.
Output: PCA produces orthogonal components, while MDS does not impose orthogonality constraints12.
Both methods are useful for visualizing high-dimensional data, but the choice between them depends on the nature of your data and the specific goals of your analysis.

*Machine Learning Implementation and Operations *

SageMaker Algorithm - Incremental Training,Batch Training, beta testing, Transfer Learning

Object2Vec : The Amazon SageMaker Object2Vec algorithm is a general-purpose neural embedding algorithm that is highly customizable. It can learn low-dimensional dense embeddings of high-dimensional objects. The embeddings are learned in a way that preserves the semantics of the relationship between pairs of objects in the original space in the embedding space. You can use the learned embeddings to efficiently compute nearest neighbors of objects and to visualize natural clusters of related objects in low-dimensional space, for example. You can also use the embeddings as features of the corresponding objects in downstream supervised tasks, such as classification or regression.
A good reference read for Object2Vec:
Factorization Machines - The Factorization Machines algorithm is a general-purpose supervised learning algorithm that you can use for both classification and regression tasks. It is an extension of a linear model that is designed to capture interactions between features within high dimensional sparse datasets economically. For example, in a click prediction system, the Factorization Machines model can capture click rate patterns observed when ads from a certain ad-category are placed on pages from a certain page-category. Factorization machines are a good choice for tasks dealing with high dimensional sparse datasets, such as click prediction and item recommendation.

BlazingText Word2Vec mode - The Amazon SageMaker BlazingText algorithm provides highly optimized implementations of the Word2vec and text classification algorithms. The Word2vec algorithm is useful for many downstream natural language processing (NLP) tasks, such as sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, machine translation, etc. Text classification is an important task for applications that perform web searches, information retrieval, ranking, and document classification.
The Word2vec algorithm maps words to high-quality distributed vectors. The resulting vector representation of a word is called a word embedding. Words that are semantically similar correspond to vectors that are close together. That way, word embeddings capture the semantic relationships between words.

XGBoost - The XGBoost (eXtreme Gradient Boosting) is a popular and efficient open-source implementation of the gradient boosted trees algorithm. Gradient boosting is a supervised learning algorithm that attempts to accurately predict a target variable by combining an ensemble of estimates from a set of simpler and weaker models. The XGBoost algorithm performs well in machine learning competitions because of its robust handling of a variety of data types, relationships, distributions, and the variety of hyperparameters that you can fine-tune. You can use XGBoost for regression, classification (binary and multiclass), and ranking problems.

Latent Dirichlet Allocation
LDA is a generative statistical model that allows sets of observations to be explained by unobserved groups, which explain why some parts of the data are similar. In the context of text data, these groups are topics.
How Does LDA Work?
Documents and Words: LDA assumes that documents are mixtures of topics and that topics are mixtures of words.
Dirichlet Distributions: It uses Dirichlet distributions to model the distribution of topics in documents and the distribution of words in topics.
Generative Process:
For each document, LDA assumes a distribution over topics.
For each word in the document, a topic is chosen from this distribution.
A word is then generated from the chosen topic’s distribution over words.
Applications of LDA
Topic Discovery: Identifying the main topics in a collection of documents.
Document Classification: Classifying documents based on their topic distributions.
Information Retrieval: Improving search results by understanding the topics within documents.
Example Use Case
Imagine you have a collection of news articles. LDA can help identify topics such as politics, sports, technology, etc., and determine the distribution of these topics in each article.

Incremental Training
Over time, you might find that a model generates inferences that are not as good as they were in the past. With incremental training, you can use the artifacts from an existing model and use an expanded dataset to train a new model. Incremental training saves both time and resources.
You can use incremental training to:
Train a new model using an expanded dataset that contains an underlying pattern that was not accounted for in the previous training and which resulted in poor model performance.
Use the model artifacts or a portion of the model artifacts from a popular publicly available model in a training job. You don't need to train a new model from scratch.
Resume a training job that was stopped.
Train several variants of a model, either with different hyperparameter settings or using different datasets.
You can read more on this reference link -

Batch Training - Batch size is a term used in machine learning and refers to the number of training examples utilized in one iteration. The batch size can be one of three options:
batch mode: where the batch size is equal to the total dataset thus making the iteration and epoch values equivalent
mini-batch mode: where the batch size is greater than one but less than the total dataset size. Usually, a number that can be divided into the total dataset size.
stochastic mode: where the batch size is equal to one. Therefore the gradient and the neural network parameters are updated after each sample.
There is no such thing as "batch training" and this option has been added as a distractor.
Beta Testing -  Beta Testing is one of the Acceptance Testing types used in traditional software engineering, which adds value to the product as the end-user (intended real user) validates the product for functionality, usability, reliability, and compatibility.
This option has been added as a distractor.
Transfer Learning - This is a technique used in image classification algorithms. The image classification algorithm takes an image as input and classifies it into one of the output categories. Image classification in Amazon SageMaker can be run in two modes: full training and transfer learning. In full training mode, the network is initialized with random weights and trained on user data from scratch. In transfer learning mode, the network is initialized with pre-trained weights and just the top fully connected layer is initialized with random weights. Then, the whole network is fine-tuned with new data. In this mode, training can be achieved even with a smaller dataset. This is because the network is already trained and therefore can be used in cases without sufficient training data.

Content Types Supported by Built-in Algorithm

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Connect Studio notebooks in a VPC to external resources

Metrics for monitoring Amazon SageMaker with Amazon CloudWatch

Using Pipe input mode for Amazon SageMaker algorithms

With Pipe input mode, your dataset is streamed directly to your training instances instead of being downloaded first. This means that your training jobs start sooner, finish quicker, and need less disk space. Amazon SageMaker algorithms have been engineered to be fast and highly scalable. This blog post describes Pipe input mode, the benefits it brings, and how you can start leveraging it in your training jobs.
With Pipe input mode, your data is fed on-the-fly into the algorithm container without involving any disk I/O. This approach shortens the lengthy download process and dramatically reduces startup time. It also offers generally better read throughput than File input mode. This is because your data is fetched from Amazon S3 by a highly optimized multi-threaded background process. It also allows you to train on datasets that are much larger than the 16 TB Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volume size limit.
Pipe mode enables the following:
Shorter startup times because the data is being streamed instead of being downloaded to your training instances.
Higher I/O throughputs due to our high-performance streaming agent.
Virtually limitless data processing capacity.
Built-in Amazon SageMaker algorithms can now be leveraged with either File or Pipe input modes. Even though Pipe mode is recommended for large datasets, File mode is still useful for small files that fit in memory and where the algorithm has a large number of epochs. Together, both input modes now cover the spectrum of use cases, from small experimental training jobs to petabyte-scale distributed training jobs.

Difference between K - nearest Neighbour and K- Means algorithm

The K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) and K-Means algorithms are both popular in machine learning, but they serve different purposes and operate differently. Here’s a comparison:
K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)
Type: Supervised learning algorithm.
Purpose: Used for classification and regression tasks.
Mechanism: Classifies a data point based on how its neighbors are classified. It calculates the distance (e.g., Euclidean) between the data point and its neighbors, and assigns the most common class among the nearest neighbors (for classification) or the average value (for regression).
Parameter: The number of neighbors (k) to consider.
Example Use Case: Predicting whether an email is spam or not based on the classification of similar emails.
Type: Unsupervised learning algorithm.
Purpose: Used for clustering tasks.
Mechanism: Partitions the data into k clusters. It assigns each data point to the nearest cluster centroid and then recalculates the centroids based on the mean of the points in each cluster. This process repeats until the centroids stabilize.
Parameter: The number of clusters (k) to form.
Example Use Case: Grouping customers into segments based on purchasing behavior.
Key Differences
Supervision: KNN is supervised (requires labeled data), while K-Means is unsupervised (does not require labeled data).
Objective: KNN is used for prediction (classification/regression), whereas K-Means is used for finding patterns and grouping data (clustering).
Input Parameter: KNN requires the number of nearest neighbors (k), while K-Means requires the number of clusters (k).

Understand the hyperparameter tuning strategies available in Amazon SageMaker

Tune a K-Means Model eans-tuning.html

Difference between Collaborative filter and Content based filtering

Here’s a brief overview of the differences between collaborative filtering and content-based filtering:
Collaborative Filtering
Approach: Uses the behavior and preferences of users to make recommendations.
Data Used: Primarily relies on user interactions, such as ratings, clicks, and purchase history.
User-based: Recommends items that similar users have liked.
Item-based: Recommends items similar to those a user has liked.
Advantages: Can provide diverse recommendations and discover new items that users might not have considered.
Challenges: Requires a large amount of user data and can struggle with new items (cold start problem) since they lack interaction data1.
Content-Based Filtering
Approach: Uses the attributes or features of items to make recommendations.
Data Used: Relies on item metadata, such as genre, description, and other characteristics.
Mechanism: Recommends items similar to those a user has liked based on item features.
Advantages: Can recommend new items without user interaction data and is easier to explain why an item was recommended.
Challenges: May not provide diverse recommendations and can be limited by the quality and scope of item features2.
Key Differences
Data Dependency: Collaborative filtering depends on user interaction data, while content-based filtering depends on item attributes.
Recommendation Basis: Collaborative filtering finds patterns among users, whereas content-based filtering focuses on item similarities.
Cold Start Problem: Collaborative filtering struggles with new items, while content-based filtering can handle new items better but may struggle with new users12.
Both methods have their strengths and weaknesses, and often, hybrid systems that combine both approaches are used to leverage the benefits of each.

What is scale_pos_weight hyperparameter in XGBoost?

The scale_pos_weight hyperparameter in XGBoost is used to address class imbalance in binary classification tasks. It adjusts the balance of positive and negative weights, helping the model to better handle imbalanced datasets.
The value of scale_pos_weight is set to the ratio of the number of negative instances to the number of positive instances in the dataset:
scale_pos_weight=Number of Positive Instances/Number of Negative Instances​
By setting this parameter correctly, the model can give more importance to the minority class, improving its ability to predict rare events.

What is Multiple Imputations by Chained Equations (MICE)?

The Multiple Imputations by Chained Equations (MICE) algorithm is a robust, informative method of dealing with missing data in your datasets. This procedure imputes or 'fills in' the missing data in a dataset through an iterative series of predictive models. Each specified variable in the dataset is imputed in each iteration using the other variables in the dataset. These iterations will be run continuously until convergence has been met. In General, MICE is a better imputation method than naive approaches (filling missing values with 0, dropping columns).

How to reduce False Negative in XGBoost?

Reducing false negatives in an XGBoost model involves several strategies, focusing on both data preprocessing and model tuning. Here are some effective approaches:
Adjust Class Weights: If your dataset is imbalanced, you can adjust the scale_pos_weight parameter to give more importance to the minority class. This helps the model pay more attention to the positive class, reducing false negatives1.
Tune Threshold: The default threshold for classification is 0.5. By lowering this threshold, you can increase the sensitivity of the model, which may help in reducing false negatives.
Parameter Tuning: Fine-tuning parameters like max_depth, min_child_weight, and gamma can help in reducing overfitting and improving the model’s ability to generalize, which can reduce false negatives12.
Use Evaluation Metrics: Instead of accuracy, use metrics like F1-score, Precision-Recall, or AUC-ROC that are more sensitive to class imbalances and false negatives.
Cross-Validation: Implement cross-validation to ensure that your model is robust and not overfitting to the training data. This helps in better generalization to unseen data.
Feature Engineering: Adding new features or transforming existing ones can provide the model with more relevant information, potentially reducing false negatives.
Ensemble Methods: Combining multiple models can help in capturing different patterns in the data, which might reduce false negatives.

Sagemaker Autopilot vs Data Wrangler

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Amazon SageMaker Autopilot and Data Wrangler serve different purposes within the machine learning workflow, but they can complement each other effectively. Here’s a comparison to help you understand their roles and how they differ:
SageMaker Autopilot
Purpose: Automates the process of training and tuning machine learning models.
Functionality: Automatically explores different algorithms and hyperparameters to find the best model for your data. It provides full visibility into the processes used to wrangle data, select models, and train and tune each candidate tested1.
Ease of Use: Suitable for users who want to automate the model-building process without deep knowledge of machine learning.
Output: Generates notebooks for every trial, containing the code used to identify the best candidate model1.
SageMaker Data Wrangler
Purpose: Simplifies the data preparation and feature engineering process.
Functionality: Provides a visual interface to select, clean, and transform data. It supports over 300 built-in transformations and allows custom transformations using SQL, PySpark, and Pandas2.
Ease of Use: Designed for users who need to prepare and clean data efficiently without writing extensive code.
Output: Generates data quality reports and visualizations to help understand and improve data quality2.
Workflow: You can use Data Wrangler to preprocess and transform your data, then export it to SageMaker Autopilot for model training and tuning3. This integration allows you to streamline the entire machine learning pipeline from data preparation to model deployment.


Due to the absence of TN in the precision-recall equation, they are useful in imbalanced classes. In the case of class imbalance when there is a majority of the negative class. The metric doesn’t take much into consideration the high number of TRUE NEGATIVES of the negative class which is in majority, giving better resistance to the imbalance. This is important when the detection of the positive class is very important.
Like to detect cancer patients, which has a high class imbalance because very few have it out of all the diagnosed. We certainly don’t want to miss on a person having cancer and going undetected (recall) and be sure the detected one is having it (precision).
Due to the consideration of TN or the negative class in the ROC equation, it is useful when both the classes are important to us. Like the detection of cats and dog. The importance of true negatives makes sure that both the classes are given importance, like the output of a CNN model in determining the image is of a cat or a dog.

TF-IDF vs Bag-of-Words

Term frequency – Inverse Document frequency determines how important a word is in a document by giving wights to words that are common and less common in the document.
BOW natural language processing algo creates token of the input document text and outputs a statistical detection of the text.

Amazon Forecast Algorithms

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Multi-model endpoint for Amazon Sagemaker

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Configure the container so that it could be run as executable by Amazon SageMaker

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Autoscaling Amazon Sagemaker

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Model Pruning in Amazon Sagemaker

Easily monitor and visualize metrics while training models on Amazon SageMaker

Amazon sagemaker experiments vs model tracking capability

Amazon SageMaker Experiments and model tracking capabilities are both essential for managing machine learning workflows, but they serve slightly different purposes. Here’s a comparison to help you understand their roles:
Amazon SageMaker Experiments
Purpose: Designed to organize, track, compare, and evaluate machine learning (ML) experiments and model versions.
Core Concepts:
Experiment: A collection of related trials or runs.
Trial/Run: Each execution step of a model training process, including preprocessing, training, and evaluation.
Automatically logs inputs, parameters, configurations, and results of each trial.
Provides a Python SDK for easy integration and analysis using tools like pandas and matplotlib12.
Supports visual comparison of different trials and experiments to identify the best-performing models2.
Model Tracking Capability
Purpose: Focuses on tracking the lifecycle of machine learning models, including versioning, deployment, and monitoring.
Core Concepts:
Model Versioning: Keeps track of different versions of a model as it evolves.
Deployment Tracking: Monitors where and how models are deployed.
Logs model metadata, including performance metrics and deployment details.
Facilitates rollback to previous model versions if needed.
Integrates with monitoring tools to track model performance in production environments.
Key Differences
Scope: SageMaker Experiments is more focused on the experimentation phase, helping data scientists iterate and refine models. Model tracking, on the other hand, covers the entire model lifecycle, from development to deployment and monitoring.
Integration: SageMaker Experiments integrates seamlessly with SageMaker’s training and tuning capabilities, while model tracking often involves integration with deployment and monitoring tools.
Both tools are complementary and can be used together to streamline the ML workflow, ensuring efficient experimentation and robust model management.

Multi-GPU and distributed training using Horovod in Amazon SageMaker Pipe mode


SageMakerVariantInvocationsPerInstance = (MAX_RPS * SAFETY_FACTOR) * 60

Peak Requests Per Second (RPS) and AWS recommended Saf_fac =0 .5

SVM with Radial Basis Function (RBF) 

Support Vector Machines (SVM) with the Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel is a popular machine learning algorithm used for classification and regression tasks. The RBF kernel, also known as the Gaussian kernel, is a function that measures the similarity between data points in a way that captures non-linear relationships, making SVM highly flexible for solving complex problems.

Visualization of Decision Boundary

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Generate synthetic dataset
X, y = make_classification(n_features=2, n_classes=2, n_clusters_per_class=1, random_state=42)
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)

# Train SVM with RBF kernel
model = SVC(kernel='rbf', C=1.0, gamma='scale'), y_train)

# Plot decision boundary
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(X[:, 0].min() - 1, X[:, 0].max() + 1, 500),
                     np.linspace(X[:, 1].min() - 1, X[:, 1].max() + 1, 500))
Z = model.decision_function(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()])
Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape)

plt.contourf(xx, yy, Z, levels=np.linspace(Z.min(), Z.max(), 7), alpha=0.8,
plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=y, edgecolors='k',
plt.title("SVM with RBF Kernel Decision Boundary")

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AWS Panaroma

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Amazon Model Monitor

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Data Quality

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Model Quality

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Shadow deployment vs A/B testing in Sagemaker vs Canary Release vs Blue/Green Deployment

Shadow Deployment, A/B Testing, Canary Release, and Blue/Green Deployment are all strategies used in Amazon SageMaker for deploying and evaluating machine learning models. Here’s a comparison of these methods:
Shadow Deployment
Goal: Evaluate the performance of a new model by running it in parallel with the current model without affecting end users.
Method: The new model (shadow model) receives a copy of the live traffic, and its predictions are logged for comparison against the current model. This allows you to monitor the new model’s performance in a real-world scenario without impacting the user experience1.
Use Case: Ideal for testing new models in a production-like environment to ensure they perform as expected before fully deploying them. It helps in identifying any potential issues or performance bottlenecks1.
A/B Testing
Goal: Compare the performance of two or more model variants by splitting the traffic between them.
Method: Traffic is divided between different model variants (e.g., 50% to the current model and 50% to the new model). The performance of each variant is then compared based on predefined metrics2.
Use Case: Useful for determining which model variant performs better under real-world conditions. It allows for direct comparison of models based on user interactions and outcomes2.
Canary Release
Goal: Gradually roll out a new model to a small subset of users before a full deployment.
Method: A small proportion of live traffic is directed to the new model initially. If the new model performs well, the proportion of traffic is gradually increased until it handles all the traffic3.
Use Case: Suitable for minimizing risk during deployment. If any issues are detected, traffic can be quickly reverted to the original model3.
Blue/Green Deployment
Goal: Deploy a new version of the model while keeping the old version running, allowing for a seamless switch.
Method: Two identical environments (blue and green) are maintained. The new model is deployed to the green environment while the blue environment continues to serve traffic. Once the new model is validated, traffic is switched from blue to green4.
Use Case: Ideal for minimizing downtime and ensuring a smooth transition between model versions. If issues arise, traffic can be switched back to the blue environment4.
Key Differences
Traffic Handling:
Shadow Deployment: New model receives a copy of the traffic without affecting users.
A/B Testing: Traffic is split between models, and users interact with different variants.
Canary Release: A small percentage of traffic is gradually increased to the new model.
Blue/Green Deployment: Traffic is switched between two identical environments.
Shadow Deployment: Minimizes risk as it does not impact the user experience.
A/B Testing: Involves some risk since users interact with different model variants.
Canary Release: Low risk as it allows for gradual rollout and quick rollback if issues arise.
Blue/Green Deployment: Minimizes downtime and allows for quick rollback if issues arise.
Shadow Deployment: Focuses on monitoring and logging performance.
A/B Testing: Direct comparison based on user interaction metrics.
Canary Release: Gradual increase in traffic to ensure stability and performance.
Blue/Green Deployment: Seamless transition with the ability to revert to the previous version if needed4123.
Each strategy has its own advantages and is suitable for different scenarios depending on the specific requirements and risk tolerance of your deployment process.

Scenarios for Running Scripts, Training Algorithms, or Deploying Models with SageMaker

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Difference between Sagemaker Debugger and Model Monitor

Amazon SageMaker Debugger and Amazon SageMaker Model Monitor are both tools designed to enhance the performance and reliability of machine learning models, but they serve different purposes and operate at different stages of the machine learning lifecycle:
SageMaker Debugger
Goal: Provide real-time insights into the training process of machine learning models to identify and debug issues early.
Method: Debugger collects and analyzes training data, such as tensors, and applies built-in or custom rules to detect anomalies. It can alert developers to issues like vanishing gradients, exploding gradients, or overfitting, and can even terminate problematic training jobs to save resources12.
Use Case: Ideal for monitoring the training phase of machine learning models. It helps in catching training issues early, ensuring that the model is learning correctly and efficiently12.
SageMaker Model Monitor
Goal: Continuously monitor the performance of deployed models to ensure they maintain quality over time.
Method: Model Monitor tracks various metrics such as data quality, model quality, bias drift, and feature attribution drift. It compares real-time or batch predictions against baseline statistics and constraints, and alerts users to any violations34.
Use Case: Suitable for the post-deployment phase, where it ensures that the model continues to perform well in production. It helps in detecting issues like data drift or model degradation, allowing for timely retraining or adjustments34.
Key Differences
Stage of Lifecycle:
Debugger: Focuses on the training phase.
Model Monitor: Focuses on the post-deployment phase.
Debugger: Monitors training data and applies rules to detect training issues.
Model Monitor: Monitors deployed model performance and detects deviations from expected behavior.
Alerts and Actions:
Debugger: Can alert and terminate training jobs if issues are detected.
Model Monitor: Alerts users to performance issues and suggests retraining if necessary3412.
Both tools are essential for maintaining the health and performance of machine learning models, but they are used at different stages and for different purposes

Distributed training in Amazon SageMaker

Scaling Deep Learning to Multiple GPUs

How to determine optimal K for K-Means

Automate model retraining with Amazon SageMaker Pipelines when drift is detected

Model Tuning Strategy in Sage maker

For large jobs, using the Hyperband tuning strategy can reduce computation time. Hyperband has an early stopping mechanism to stop under-performing jobs. Hyperband can also reallocate resources towards well-utilized hyperparameter configurations and run parallel jobs. For smaller training jobs using less runtime, use either random search or Bayesian optimization.
Use Bayesian optimization to make increasingly informed decisions about improving hyperparameter configurations in the next run. Bayesian optimization uses information gathered from prior runs to improve subsequent runs. Because of its sequential nature, Bayesian optimization cannot massively scale.
Use random search to run a large number of parallel jobs. In random search, subsequent jobs do not depend on the results from prior jobs and can be run independently. Compared to other strategies, random search is able to run the largest number of parallel jobs.
Use grid search to reproduce results of a tuning job, or if simplicity and transparency of the optimization algorithm are important. You can also use grid search to explore the entire hyperparameter search space evenly. Grid search methodically searches through every hyperparameter combination to find optimal hyperparameter values. Unlike grid search, Bayesian optimization, random search and Hyperband all draw hyperparameters randomly from the search space. Because grid search analyzes every combination of hyperparameters, optimal hyperparameter values will be identical between tuning jobs that use the same hyperparameters.

Sagemaker Model Deployment

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Amazon Recognition

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When to use F1 vs Precision vs Recall in classification model

Choosing between F1 score, precision, and recall depends on the specific goals and context of your classification problem. Here’s a quick guide to help you decide:
Use When: The cost of false positives is high.
Example: In spam detection, you want to minimize the number of legitimate emails marked as spam.
Use When: The cost of false negatives is high.
Example: In medical diagnostics, you want to ensure that all actual cases of a disease are identified, even if it means some healthy individuals are incorrectly flagged.
F1 Score
Use When: You need a balance between precision and recall.
Example: In scenarios where both false positives and false negatives are equally costly, such as in fraud detection.
Precision: Focuses on the accuracy of positive predictions.
Recall: Focuses on capturing all positive instances.
F1 Score: Provides a single metric that balances both precision and recall, useful when you need a comprehensive measure of model performance.

Amazon Connect Contact Lens

Warm Start Hyperparameter Tuning Job

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What is Sagemaker Model Tracking capability ?

Amazon SageMaker’s model tracking capabilities allow you to efficiently manage and compare your machine learning (ML) model training experiments. Here are some key features:
Key Features
Experiment Management: Track and organize different versions of your models, including the data, algorithms, and hyperparameters used in each training run.
Performance Comparison: Easily compare metrics such as training loss and validation accuracy across different model versions to identify the best-performing models.
Search and Filter: Quickly find specific experiments by searching through parameters like learning algorithms, hyperparameter settings, and tags added during training runs.
Auditing and Compliance: Maintain a detailed record of model versions and their parameters, which is useful for auditing and compliance verification1.
Streamlined Workflow: Simplifies the iterative process of model development by keeping track of numerous experiments.
Enhanced Decision Making: Facilitates better decision-making by providing a clear comparison of model performance metrics.
Improved Efficiency: Saves time and effort in managing and retrieving model information, allowing you to focus on optimizing your models1.

Model explainability with AWS Sagemaker Carify

Model explainability in Amazon SageMaker Clarify focuses on understanding and interpreting how a machine learning model makes its predictions. It helps developers, data scientists, and stakeholders gain insights into the contribution of different features in a model's decision-making process, which is critical for transparency, debugging, and regulatory compliance.

Key Components of Model Explainability in SageMaker Clarify
Global Explainability:

Provides an overview of how the entire model behaves by examining the importance of features across all predictions.
Uses the SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) algorithm to compute feature importance scores.
Output: Feature importance rankings that show which features have the greatest influence on the model's decisions overall.
Local Explainability:

Explains individual predictions by showing the contribution of each feature to a specific prediction.
Also uses SHAP to generate explanations for single data points.
Output: A breakdown of how each feature impacts a particular prediction (positive or negative contribution).
How It Works
SHAP in SageMaker Clarify:

SHAP is based on cooperative game theory and assigns a contribution value (SHAP value) to each feature for a prediction.
It measures the marginal contribution of each feature by comparing the model's predictions with and without the feature.
Data Requirements:

The model (trained in SageMaker or elsewhere) must accept input data and return predictions.
The input data can be tabular, text, or image data.
Steps to Run Explainability with Clarify:

Set up a SageMaker Clarify processing job.
A trained model.
Dataset (training or test data).
Configuration file specifying the type of explanations required (global or local).
Clarify will analyze the data and produce a detailed report with SHAP values.
Why Use Model Explainability in SageMaker Clarify?

Clarifies why a model made specific decisions, increasing trust in AI systems.
Debugging Models:

Identifies biases or unexpected behaviors in the model by analyzing feature contributions.
Regulatory Compliance:

Helps satisfy requirements for explainability in industries such as finance, healthcare, and insurance.
Feature Importance Insights:

Guides feature engineering and model improvement by highlighting key features.
Sample Use Case
Scenario: A financial institution is using a model to predict loan approvals. They need to understand the reasoning behind model predictions to ensure fairness and compliance with regulations.

Global Explainability:

Insights reveal that "Credit Score" and "Annual Income" are the most influential features, while "Zip Code" has minimal impact.
Local Explainability:

For an applicant whose loan was denied, the explanation shows that a low "Credit Score" and high "Debt-to-Income Ratio" negatively influenced the decision.

How to Set Up in SageMaker

  1. Install Dependencies:
!pip install sagemaker

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  1. Configure and Run Clarify:
from sagemaker import ClarifyProcessor

# Set up the processor
clarify_processor = ClarifyProcessor(

# Input data and model configuration
        "s3_input": "s3://your-bucket/input-data.csv",
        "s3_output": "s3://your-bucket/output/",
        "label": "target_column_name"
        "model_name": "your-model-name",
        "instance_type": "ml.m5.large",
        "shap_config": {
            "shap_baseline": "path-to-baseline-data",
            "num_samples": 100,
            "use_logit": False

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  1. Analyze Outputs:

The SHAP values and importance scores are stored in the specified S3 bucket.
Use these scores to create feature importance visualizations or dashboards.

Output and Visualization
Global Feature Importance:

Bar chart showing average SHAP values for each feature across all predictions.
Local Feature Contributions:

Waterfall charts showing positive and negative contributions of each feature for individual predictions.
Best Practices
Select Meaningful Baseline Data:

The baseline represents the “neutral” input used for SHAP value computations.
Analyze Both Global and Local Explanations:

Global explanations provide a high-level view, while local explanations give insights into specific cases.
Combine Explainability with Bias Detection:

Use SageMaker Clarify’s bias detection alongside model explainability for a comprehensive analysis.

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Dave Seth • Edited

Passed the MLS-C01 exam! Highly recommend for anyone preparing for the exam—their dumps were essential for my success.