DEV Community

Dipti Gautam
Dipti Gautam

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Useful (Doom) Emacs Commands/Shortcuts

This is a note to self sort of an ongoing post that I'll keep adding emacs shortcuts I come across to.

I use doom emacs in evil mode. So it might or might not be useful to you depending on your configuration. I'm new to emacs myself, but this has been an exciting journey, and I'm looking forward to making the most of it!

Disclaimer: I might include the more uncommon commands here than the ones I use in my regular workflow because of the muscle memory, whereas some might be too obvious for the same reason that it's new to me. So be prepared for a weird jumble ahead!


  1. markdown-cleanup-list-numbers: reorders the numbering in your file if they've been messed up somehow.

  2. set-background-color: (and color selection) to choose a background for your frame. I actually got there by mistake but I like the ultra-dark mode the black background provides, so it's there to stay!

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