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pnpm and why it's better


In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, tools that streamline our workflows are like hidden gems waiting to be discovered. One such gem is PNPM, a package manager that has been gaining traction for its unique approach to managing project dependencies. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of using PNPM over the familiar NPM (Node Package Manager) and delve into how it can enhance your coding experience.

1. Efficient Disk Space Utilization:

A common gripe among developers is the disk space consumed by package installations, especially as a project's dependencies grow. Unlike NPM, which duplicates packages across projects, PNPM employs a single global storage for packages. This approach significantly reduces disk usage, as packages are shared across projects, minimizing redundancy and freeing up precious disk space.

2. Faster Installation Speeds:

Speed is a critical factor in modern development workflows. PNPM's innovative design enables faster package installation compared to NPM. Traditional package managers tend to install packages sequentially, leading to time-consuming processes. PNPM's concurrent installation feature allows packages to be fetched and installed simultaneously, dramatically reducing waiting times and boosting productivity.

3. Improved Dependency Management:

Managing dependencies can become a headache, particularly when conflicts or version mismatches arise. PNPM's deterministic approach ensures that every time you install a package, the exact same version will be used across your projects. This minimizes the chances of encountering unexpected issues due to varying dependency versions and provides a sense of stability to your projects.

4. Reduced Network Bandwidth Usage:

Downloading packages from the internet consumes network bandwidth, which can become a concern in larger projects or with limited connectivity. PNPM tackles this issue by storing packages locally once they are fetched. Subsequent projects that require the same packages can access them directly from the local storage, saving both time and bandwidth.

5. Enhanced Developer Experience:

Coding is all about efficiency, and PNPM optimizes this aspect in multiple ways. Its automatic hoisting mechanism eliminates duplicate packages, ensuring that your application uses a single instance of each package. This simplifies maintenance and debugging, as there are fewer versions of the same package to manage.

6. Seamless Migration and Compatibility:

If you're concerned about transitioning from NPM to PNPM, fret not. PNPM supports NPM and Yarn projects without requiring any alterations to your existing codebase. It uses the same package.json and node_modules structure, making migration straightforward and hassle-free. This compatibility ensures you can make the switch at your own pace.

7. Community and Ecosystem Support:

As more developers recognize the benefits of PNPM, its community and ecosystem continue to grow. This means you'll find an increasing number of resources, tutorials, and plugins tailored to PNPM, helping you make the most of this tool. Additionally, PNPM's open-source nature encourages collaboration and innovation, ensuring its continued evolution.

8. Installation:

If you do not have node.js already installed you can use a standalone script like the following
curl -fsSL | sh -
to install pnpm into your system

alternatively if you already have npm installed into your system, simply run the following code
npm install -g pnpm

for additional methods of installation view the following documentation


In the realm of software development, the quest for efficiency is unending. PNPM, with its focus on optimizing disk space, installation speed, dependency management, and more, offers a fresh perspective on package management. While NPM has been a stalwart companion for many developers, considering the advantages of PNPM could lead to a smoother and more productive coding journey. By embracing PNPM, you're not just adopting a tool – you're embracing a more streamlined and efficient way of building and maintaining your projects. So, why not give PNPM a try and experience firsthand how it can elevate your coding experience? Your development workflow might just thank you for it.

If this blog caught your attention and you want to read more of the documentation please visit the github with the following link!

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