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Moose Davis
Moose Davis

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Coffee Corner // Sinatra Application

Phew, okay. So. This months blog is reflecting over the process of creating, FROM SCRATCH, a working application that has CRUD actions (Create, Read, Update, Delte), and has RESTful Routes.

Day 1 - Monday, October, 26, 2020
This day was all about planning. I set up my project with the appropriate files, folders, and bundled all of the gems required in order to provide the correct functionality to my application. This day, wasn't TOO stressful. Luckily, there was a Flatiron alumni that decided to bundle their own gem that helped us set up a big chunk of what we needed to complete this project by use of the corneal gem.

Day 2 - Tuesday, October 27, 2020

This was one of the days that was close to being the hardest. From here, I was able to give my models some associations through use of ActiveRecord and allowing these models to have those relationships to each other. Then I began planning out what I wanted my application to do specifically and how I would achieve that. With a little of basic formatting thrown in to start me off with a feel good 'I can do this' vibe.

Day 3 - Wednesday, October 28, 2020

By far, Wednesday was the most difficult day to get through, but as Nancy says, "Sometimes you just have to press the 'I believe' button, and keep asking questions, go to study group, and keep trying." So that's exactly what I did, and hey, I added some buttons to my application, connected them to the appropriate routes, and had some views rendered. Wasn't COMPLETELY horrible, just fear of the unknown and needed a little self-esteem boost...from self. (HA, made a cheesy ruby joke.)

Day 4 - Thursday, October 29, 2020

This day was definitely feeling a little more accomplished. This day is when I started doing a little polishing, adding the appropriate validations, and 'if' statements for some added security against those "dirty hackers" who would want to steal my users information.

Day 5 - Friday, October 30, 2020
Also known as "All Hallow's Eve", feeling pretty decent about how far I've come building this second project in just 4-5 days! Of course I had some help along the way, but hey, who doesn't need help learning how to build an application from the ground up? Today is when I can begin to submit my application and schedule my assessment. FINGERS CROSSED!!

And now, I have my handy-dandy Coffee Corner application built with the Sinatra framework, using ActiveRecord, along with CRUD actions and adhering to the 7 (magical) RESTful Routes. Time to drink some coffee myself :)

Cold Brew, one scoop of maple sugar, and a dash of heavy cream.


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