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Dorcas Bamisile
Dorcas Bamisile

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Web2 vs Web3...Two major differences between them.

  1. Web2 is dynamic content that allows users to interact with content published on the web which is possible with technologies like JavaScript, HTML and CSS, which allows developers to build apps where users can interact with content in real-time while Web3 is a semantic web, that is, rather than a user searching for content based on keywords or numbers, AI could be used to understand and interpret the semantics of the content on the web like humans. And this will help users to find, share and combine information more easily.

  2. Web2 is centralized i.e it has a central authority. Central authority can censor data, potentially cutting off parts of the network from interacting with the rest of the network while Web3 is decentralized i.e there's no permission needed from a central authority to post anything on the web, no central controlling node and no single point of failure.




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