DEV Community

Andrew Tassone
Andrew Tassone

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Squashing and Merging - Telescope

This week I completed by pull request with some squashing and the changes were merged by my professor. I found that the problem of page re-rendering and losing focus could be solved without using autoFocus and sacrificing accessibility.

As pointed out by @dukemanh , the problem can be solved by simply returning a JSX expression in searchInput.tsx. By doing so, it prevents a new component being returned every time and therefore stops the page from re-rendering unnecessarily. I also removed some fields and attributes that were unnecessary while in AuthorSearchInput.tsx.

It was a rather messy pull request in the end. I had to squash and rebase my two changes, but had some trouble doing so. I hadn't done much of either in previous pull requests. I am getting better at learning how to squash and rebase with this experience.

It was fun interacting with so many students from Seneca that were interested in solving the same issue. I hope to contribute more to Telescope soon and hopefully not make such a mess with my pull requests in the future!

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