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Rehan Qadir
Rehan Qadir

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SEQ & PASTE: An effective way to add sequential numbers to the beginning of a file in bash

Recently I explored seq and paste Linux commands and I was amazed how effectively we can accomplish our desired target of adding a sequential numbers to the beginning of a file without using any for loop or manipulating the data file line by line.

Lets dive in to see how we can leverage these two commands.

seq [n] generates sequential numbers starting from 1 to n.

seq 10
# Output
# 1
# 2
# 3
# 4
# 5
# 6
# 7
# 8
# 9
# 10
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We can redirect the output of the command to a file, say, serial.

seq 1024 > serial

wc -l serial
# Output
# 1024 serial
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The second command we are going to explore is paste. The command uses two or more files to produce an output separated by whitespace in columns.

Lets say we have a cities file with names of different cities in it

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and a serial file with the following numbers

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Lets use paste command on serial and cities files.

paste serial cities
# Output
# 1 Prague
# 2 Montreal
# 3 Amsterdam
# 4 Rome
# 5 Barcelona
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As we can see the output is separated by a whitespace. We will see how we can modify the delimiter shortly.

Wind things up

Lets put 2 commands together to accomplish our target.

Suppose we have a CSV file mock.csv with the following content

Ryder,,El Quisco
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and we wish to add sequential numbers to the beginning of the file. Here is the final bash script.


# Generate sequence of numbers (1 to 5)
seq 5 > serial

# Use paste to combine two files with comma as a delimiter
paste -d, serial mock.csv > data.csv

cat data.csv
# Output
# 1,Ryder,,El Quisco
# 2,Keelie,,Temuka
# 3,Hamilton,,Leeds
# 4,Lani,,Largs
# 5,Gloria,,Vejalpur
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Viola!!! That was simple and elegant. Note that we have used -d, option with paste to indicate the delimiter to be , rather than a whitespace.

Note that we have hard coded 5 as an argument to seq command because we know beforehand that mock.csv contains 5 rows. What if we don't know the number of rows in the CSV file? Simply use wc -l command and extract the number of lines using awk or cut.

LINES=$(wc -l mock.csv | awk ' {print $1} ')
# LINES=$(wc -l mock.csv | cut -d ' ' -f1)

# Use LINES variable as an argument to seq command
seq $LINES
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That's it.

I hope it will help you. Keep Coding!

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