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6 awesome CSS frameworks, which you should know as a front-end developer

Duomly on December 16, 2019

This article was originally published at: As a front-end programmer, I talk a lot about front-end f...
milosdukic profile image
Milos • Edited

I have been using TailwindCSS for some time and it is really AWSOME!
I have made an article about integration of TailwindCSS & Angular8 here

jwp profile image
John Peters

I've recently ditched all CSS Frameworks in favor of the HTML 5 Grid system. It's much easier to use; in my opinion, and is not a DSL, Domain Specific Language.

duomly profile image

Grid system is also great :)

giorgosk profile image
Giorgos Kontopoulos 👀

I agree you can do most things a framework gives you with Grid or Flexbox ( I usually choose flexbox when there is a need for IE11 support :-( )

trippymonk profile image
Blake Stansell

I have not used several of these, but one I've tried that isn't on the list is Materialize CSS. I like it pretty well, but is it really that far down this list? I'll have to try out the others as I start more projects!

okkdev profile image
Jen Stehlik

Why 6 when you only need Tailwind in your life. :)

nickpoulos profile image
Nick Poulos

Seems the author has barely used these frameworks they are writing about? More likely they read the docs and scraped an article together on the marketing materials.

Tailwind's main purpose is to build your own CSS design system and extract out the 50 utility classes into your own class.

sgarciadev profile image
Sergei Garcia

Got the same vibe, he/she doesn't sound very certain of anything enough to back it up. Then again, this already happened last time Duomly published a sponsored article on JS frameworks 🤔 (writing hot take summaries as in depth analysis)

giorgosk profile image
Giorgos Kontopoulos 👀

Not everyone would agree with that / that is a matter of opinion

bizzibody profile image
Ian bradbury

Having the images all link to a sponsor site is poor - very poor.

Promoting a CSS framework that is dormant, where a fork has become dominant is just shoddy.

This is just spam.

giorgosk profile image
Giorgos Kontopoulos 👀 • Edited

I say we report it. I want to go the framework when I click on the image of the framework ... that is pure spam in my book also.

matt profile image
Matt seymour

6 awesome CSS frameworks which you should know as a front end developer (this week).

psnehanshu profile image
Snehanshu Phukon

+1 for bulma

brownio profile image
Antonio Djigo

Why do the images redirect to your website and not to the Framework pages? 🤔

Anyway, never used a framework again after CSS grid arrived into the scene

xelzs profile image

If you love CSS Grid, you'll love the Axentix framework too.
It is based on CSS Grid and provide some awesome components.
We are still in active development but there are enough components to create some pretty good websites !

duomly profile image

It's a good point, thanks! Links are removed :)
We love the grid, but it can be not enough for a big project, or project which you need to develop quickly and would like to use ready-made elements.

mikevelazcomtz profile image
Miguel Angel Velazco

I know is not the coolest one but I loved this one because you can easily see and understand how a CSS framework works:

And is pretty good for a base framework you can build over.

vaibhavkhulbe profile image
Vaibhav Khulbe

I've worked with Bootstrap and Tailwind recently and I'm so much in awe for Tailwind.

Here's an article I wrote when I first used it.

Thanks for this list I look forward to learn Bulma and Foundation.

krushndayshmookh profile image
Krushn Dayshmookh

MaterializeCSS deserves a good shoutout too!

quii profile image
Chris James

I dont know how i've managed to make any websites without learning a single css "framework"

roblevintennis profile image
Rob Levin

Folks should use frameworks and make custom CSS scripts too. You need to do both. Take a bit of time to look at the source code. Not the whole thing. Just that Accordion you happen to be using now. Don't try to understand it all. Just take 5 minutes. You'll learn so much. Then cross reference what say Bootstrap did vs. Bulma. Which got it better. Maybe they both forgot an important aria tag or misused one. Can you spot it. It's ok you can't. But ask these questions and bounce around between the framework code and MDN, etc., until you feel confident you know what the proper way is. 🍰 ⭐ 💪

zooly profile image
Hugo Torzuoli

I only use Tailwind for a year now!

abdulaziztag profile image

What about MaterializeCSS😔

juancarlospaco profile image
Juan Carlos

No Spectre CSS ?!.

lisasy profile image
Lisa Sy (she/her)

Super cool. Thanks for sharing!

eboye profile image

I mostly use tailwind for backend (app UI) and bootstrap or materializecss for frontend projects.

alvarolordelo profile image
Álvaro Lordêlo

Great article here, congrats! Though it would be a good idea to mention
Since it's a great framework and makes things much better.

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️

Probably should be "...that you should know..."? 🤔

sgarciadev profile image
Sergei Garcia

Uhhh...your wording didn't sound like "clearly a joke", so I don't understand why you'd be surprised writing an opinion like a fact wouldn't rub people the wrong way 🙃

xseman profile image

Great article. Lately, I started using W3.CSS and it's awesome

duomly profile image

Good advice! Happy you like it :)

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
jeroka profile image
Esteban Rocha

Bootstrap #1???? That's a very bad recommendation for a "Front-End Developer" Bulma or Tailwind are the way to go.