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What you should learn to become a good front-end developer?

Duomly on December 19, 2019

This article was originally published at: How to be a front-end developer? Recently, a lot of people ask what they should learn to become a fro...
brownio profile image
Antonio Djigo • Edited

You may find this chart useful:
Front-end chart

avasconcelos114 profile image
Andre Vasconcelos

This chart alone is worth 100 of these articles

Learning some HTML + CSS + Javascript and a JS framework won't make you a good front-end developer.

Knowing the ecosystem and all the tools available to you (be it for working with version control, making API calls to a backend server, unit testing, static site generators, enhancing performance with server-side rendering or lazy loading assets) are what would make you stand out from the rest.

Doing what the article above tells you just gets you a seat on the table

brownio profile image
Antonio Djigo
uptoeleven profile image
Simon Brown

Stunning infographic

duomly profile image

It can be a huge help for people who would like to know what is what :)

sorindezzy profile image
Raita Dezideriu

That is not Front End Boss ! That is Enginery !!!!!!

nachtfunke profile image
Thomas Semmler

The first thing you need to learn is that organisations and individuals will pry on your believing that you don't know enough / are not good enough. Any article that tries to tell you need to become better will probably try to get money from you, promising to make you improve upon exactly that. And you need to understand that even a free course is most probably not free, because your e-mail address is worth something, your attention is worth something. You are still paying.

Just keep making websites, that is all you truly need to do to become a better frontend developer. Keep wanting to try out new things, keep breaking technology and keep asking questions to start conversations.

nickyoung profile image
Nick Young

I feel like git should be learned first that way you can practice using it while you are learning everything else.

s_aitchison profile image
Suzanne Aitchison

Totally agree - that's how I learned and you get so much practice that way. Also you don't have to "unlearn" bad habits!

sorindezzy profile image
Raita Dezideriu

What you just said is = 0 because html and CSS is just for Statics websites or else JS is for Dynamic website end exactly what we looking for ! You not gone tell me that html and css does Dynamic to !!

chico1992 profile image
chico1992 An example of a live chat without js

Thread Thread
sorindezzy profile image
Raita Dezideriu

how to do that ?

Thread Thread
sorindezzy profile image
Raita Dezideriu

What do you mean a video chat without js ?

Thread Thread
chico1992 profile image

It’s not a video chat and how it works you should reed the readme of the repo then the author does a better job of explaining as I ever could

ericgruby01 profile image
Eric Gruby

It depends on what you consider dynamic. With just HTML and CSS you can do things like:

peacefullatom profile image
Yuriy Markov

Very helpful and thorough article! Well done, thank you! 👍

duomly profile image

You are welcome, we are glad it's useful for you :)

ajaymarathe profile image
Ajay Marathe

Nicee.. helpfull.

duomly profile image

Thank you, we're glad you like it :)

geeayallah profile image
Gee Daniel Ayallah Yallah II

Thanks for this awesome insights. 🙏🙏

uptoeleven profile image
Simon Brown

+1 for mentioning git - without git (or similar) you're not a developer as you can't work in a team.

thewasif profile image
Muhammad Wasif

For becoming a better developer:
Become expert at Git
Use best practices
Also, learn programming patterns and algorithms, if possible.

computingsavvy profile image
Computing Savvy

Learning PHP, MySQL and JavaScript with jQuery, CSS & HTML5 is best book to learn Front end development.

avxkim profile image
Alexander Kim

jQuery is for noobs, who can't use vanilla JS.

duomly profile image

Thanks for your input, but it’s not really true, you can use pre-render or SSR, and google will see normal HTML source :)