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Durgesh kumar prajapati
Durgesh kumar prajapati

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Does technology cause brain damage?

Can we halt the way that technology and our dependence on it are impairing our ability to think critically and eventually damaging our brains?

At the point when I was a youngster, I used to go to book of scriptures camp each late spring. I wasn't strict, so I didn't have the best time, however I figured out that assuming you discussed book of scriptures sections from memory, they would give you candy. Furthermore, the more drawn out the refrain, the m
mineral sweets you would get. So I would rapidly retain pages of the Good book, and toward the finish of camp, I would have this magnificent pack of treats.

I've been contemplating this time as of late on the grounds that my concentration, learning, and memory were all astonishing, however I don't feel as such any longer. Not that my cerebrum has totally gone downhill — I'm actually brilliant and feel roused, yet I have seen my fixation and memory are not what
they used to be.

This is on the grounds that innovation is hurting our minds.

Thus, to back up, all that work I needed to place in to get my book of scriptures candy is called deferred satisfaction, where I needed to do a progression of hard undertakings to get a prize. Be that as it may, presently, rather than making our minds work for things, we are getting moment satisfaction — principally through innovation and in stuff like TikTok and virtual entertainment, web based shopping, or even web based dating.

In any case, how can right now delight hurt us?

Three ways technology is harming us

Limitless dopamine
The first is dopamine. The moment delight we get from innovation permits us to often get to dopamine. Dopamine is the synapse in our mind that encourages us. Basically, it's the reason we need the oily, tasty cheeseburger over the green serving of mixed greens.

Dr. Anna Lembke, from Stanford College, concentrates on compulsion, and she says that since we are helping endless admittance to dopamine through virtual entertainment, we're framing addictions to it. By and large, we go through 6 hours per day on the web and more than two of those hours are spent via virtual entertainment.

Dopamine likewise makes us invest a ton of energy in the limbic region of our mind, which is answerable for our feelings, rather than the pre-cerebrum, which assists us with anticipating the future and issue tackle — not an optimal blend. And, surprisingly, more terrible, whenever we really do be able to take care of an issue, we're offloading it to research.

The Google Impact
Customarily, we advance by committing data to memory, but since we can look into any data whenever, we don't have to hold things in our own memory. We're offloading our maintenance and memory to research. In 2011, Harvard specialists begat the term 'The Google Impact' when they found that when we're confronted with a troublesome inquiry or issue, rather than knowing how to answer it ourselves, we're rather great at knowing where to track down the response — our dependable looking through device, Google.

Advanced dementia
Also, the last point is the reason I erased Instagram from my telephone this week. It's called advanced dementia.

A Canadian College as of late found that extreme utilization of screen time during mental health years expands our gamble for Alzheimer's and dementia in adulthood. They found that since we have this persistent tangible excitement from online entertainment, youthful grown-ups are giving indications of 'gentle mental disability,' which is normally just found in individuals with cerebrum wounds or more seasoned grown-ups when they have beginning phases of dementia.

These scientists likewise anticipate that toward the finish of hundred years, Alzheimer's and dementia-related sicknesses are supposed to grow 4 to multiple times more than whatever they are currently. Yikes!

So it's not hard to envision a world in 40 or 50 years — or scarily, even now — where we are suing TikTok or Instagram for the obliteration of our brains. Fundamentally, anybody brought into the world after 1980 will be impacted by this. We can not recall things, we will not have the option to handle data, and it will be hard to center.

It’s weird to think about when we’re still young and healthy, but I think if we’re honest with ourselves, many of us are probably feeling distracted or already have trouble remembering or are even addicted to our devices.

And, of course, not all technology is bad. It’s used for good every day. But there’s a difference between technology that helps us and hinders us.

So, how do we stop the bad technology from harming us?

Make your brain work
It’s not realistic to ask everyone to delete their Instagram accounts, so we need a way to use them still but without harm. We can do this by delaying gratification. We have to work for the bible candy. Do some chores, get some homework or work done, go to the gym, read a chapter of a book — and then give yourself the reward of phone time.

We’re making our brains work to get something by delaying gratification and reducing destructive habits.

Offset the harm
And secondly, we need to offset the harm these technologies are causing us. We need to stay mentally active for 1–2 hours per day. Mentally active means anything that engages our brain in processing information. This includes puzzles, art, language learning, playing games or musical instruments, reading, or writing.

These technologies — they’re going to be harming us in the future. They’re already affecting us, but we can all do something about it.

Remember, you are in charge of your attention, time, and life.

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