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The truth behind revenue churn..

While this is primarly a developer community, I only joined the developer side some time ago. Here is some backstory..

As an experienced consultant, project manager and now head of customer success, the OPS side of applications has one big final boss: Churn.

There are numerous of calculators out there which show that a too high level revenue churn can kill MRR and potentially a business

How to tackle churn

To be honest, there is never a single best option. Most important is talking to customers. But as Henry Ford once said, if I asked people I would not have made a car, I would have made faster horse.

So what is more important than talking to customers? Understanding customers.

What is it that drives the value behind your SaaS (or app) and what brings the value to your customers. Or in case of high levels of churn, what are they missing?

As head of Customer Success primarily, the success part comes from a single factor: Perceived value - Expected value = Success. If the expected value is greater than the perceived value, there is no success. But if the perceived value exceeds the expected value, your customers experience success.

So how do you know

As mentioned before, if talking to customers doesn't always work, how do you get the most important information: their expected value.

Simply through data.

If you have customers for your SaaS, you will have customer data in:

  • Your own application
  • CRM
  • Service Desk
  • Payment processor
  • Insights tool, such as Mixpanel

Combine this data, and you get a proper overview of your customer behaviour. What features are they using, how many requests are created, when is the next renewal.

As I've experienced first hand the power of customer data, I needed a quicker way to gather all customer data before a meeting.

Since I taught myself how to code, I set out to provide value to other founders. And so, beatchurn was born. A tool to combine all customer data, for easy access.

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