DEV Community

Dylan Albertazzi
Dylan Albertazzi

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WHAT IS AWS? | And Why it Enables the American Dream

Today we explain AWS and how it blows a door open for the poor to achieve the American dream.

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AWS is three things,

  1. AWS is an army of computers at your fingertips.
  2. AWS makes code at scale permission-less.
  3. AWS is an enabler of upward mobility.

AWS has changed the way I see the path upward for my career. It feels like an obligation that I put to words what AWS is and its implications on society.

My views on leverage are inspired by Naval Ravikant's. He sees the world in a beautiful way, definitely check out the sources for his work.

I explain the three parts of AWS in detail in this short 🎥 YouTube video. Check it out if you want to learn more!

Top comments (1)

olgertelfe profile image

American dream! How nice that word is. This is the most cherished chew of someone who lives in America Although it is difficult, but quite realizable. Having your own business is as enjoyable as fulfilling your American dream.