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Ekunola Ezekiel
Ekunola Ezekiel

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My Hacktoberfest Contributions πŸ˜…

It's my first time participating in Hacktoberfest, and I am 75% done. I have made 3 contributions so far, in which 2 of them have been merged.


Emoji Screen

EmojiScreen is a listing of movies, TV shows and musicals depicted through emojis.

Added Jersey Shore #454

  • [x] πŸ” I have searched the data.js file and confirmed I am not adding a duplicate entry. Note: Different versions of the same show/movie are okay to add such as Lion King (1994) and Lion King (2019) or Rent (movie) and Rent (musical).
  • [x] πŸ’œ I have checked Issues and Pull Requests to confirm I am not adding a duplicate entry that is pending approval.
  • [x] 🌈 I have added a single year under year. Note: Do not add ranges such as 2017-2019.
  • [x] πŸ“… I have added a type from one of the following: movie , tv or musical.
  • [x] πŸ”— I have added the IMDB page or Playbill archive page under itemLink.
  • [x] 3️⃣ I have at least three emojis listed under emojiImgs.
  • [x] 5️⃣ I have a maximum of five emojis listed under emojiImgs.
  • [x] πŸ‘ My pull request has a descriptive title (such as Added The Lion King or Added Black Panther, The Avengers: Endgame and Thor).
  • [x] ⭐ My genres are all inside of square brackets [ ] and each are individually wrapped in quotation marks and have a comma between each one. (such as submitting this "genres": ["adventure","mystery","animation"] and not this "genres":["adventure, mystery, animation"]).
  • [x] πŸ–οΈ I have placed the new show(s) or movie(s) in alphabetical order based on title. If the show or movie starts with 'the', then use the second word to alphabetize.

Closes #383

Process name

Process-name is an NPM package that allows you to get platform-specific application process name.

You can check out the package on npm here

Add badges to readme #4

What does this PR do?

Add badges to readme file

Description of Task to be completed?

  • Edit Readme file, and add repo size, license, downloads, npm, contributions, commits badges.

How should this be manually tested?

  • Clone the branch add-badges-to-readme
  • Check the Readme file to see added badges.

Screenshots (if appropriate)

Screenshot 2019-10-01 at 6 57 53 PM

Closes #3

Translator Pounds Elis

Translator pounds elis is a course completion work in Information Systems from the Federal University of GoiΓ‘s.

Update server dependencies #7

What does this PR do?

Add badges to the readme file

Description of Task to be completed?

  • Update all dependencies in package.json file to their latest versions.
  • Update connection to the database in server.js file.

How should this be manually tested?

  • Clone the branch update-server-dependencies

Closes #1

So far, participating in Hactoberfest and contributing to Open Source projects have been fun, and it has been a great experience so far.

How you can contribute

To contribute, create an account on Hacktoberfest, read the rules and participation details, then search the projects list for the project you want to contribute to.

You can also check your Hacktoberfest profile to see how you're doing.

Hacktoberfest profile


Today (3rd October), I have completed the challenge, with 4 Pull requests merged. The last of them that I contributed to was Oh My Zsh terminal.

Oh My Zsh

Oh-My-Zsh is a delightful, open source, community-driven framework for managing your ZSH configuration.

You can find out more here

Add README to yii plugin #8194

What does this PR do?

Add README to yii plugin

Description of Task to be completed?

  • Create a README file in the yii plugin directory.
  • Add documentation on how to use the yii plugin

How should this be manually tested?

  • View README file in yii plugin directory.

This contributes to #7175

If you are looking to participate in Hacktoberfest, click here to register.

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