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Webpack plugins

Webpack offers a wide range of plugins to enhance and customize the build process. Here's a list of some commonly used Webpack plugins in September 2021:

  1. HtmlWebpackPlugin: Simplifies the creation of an HTML file to serve your bundles and automatically injects script tags.

  2. CleanWebpackPlugin: Cleans the output directory before each build to remove old or unused files.

  3. MiniCssExtractPlugin: Extracts CSS from your bundles into separate files.

  4. CopyWebpackPlugin: Copies individual files or entire directories to the build output.

  5. DefinePlugin: Allows you to define global constants that can be configured at build time.

  6. CompressionPlugin: Compresses assets using gzip or Brotli algorithms to reduce file sizes.

  7. TerserPlugin: Minifies and uglifies JavaScript code for production builds.

  8. OptimizeCSSAssetsPlugin: Minifies and optimizes CSS for production builds.

  9. SplitChunksPlugin: Automatically splits common dependencies into separate chunks to improve caching and loading performance.

  10. BundleAnalyzerPlugin: Provides a visual representation of your bundle's contents and sizes.

  11. WebpackBar: Adds a progress bar to the console during the build process.

  12. ProvidePlugin: Provides global variables automatically to modules, reducing the need for explicit imports.

  13. CopyWebpackPlugin: Copies files and directories from one location to another during the build process.

  14. StylelintPlugin: Integrates Stylelint for linting your CSS or SCSS code.

  15. ESLintWebpackPlugin: Integrates ESLint for linting your JavaScript or TypeScript code.

  16. ImageMinimizerWebpackPlugin: Optimizes and compresses images during the build process.

  17. ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin: Runs TypeScript type checking in a separate process to speed up build times.

  18. FriendlyErrorsWebpackPlugin: Provides user-friendly error and warning messages during development builds.

  19. HotModuleReplacementPlugin: Enables Hot Module Replacement (HMR) for live reloading during development.

  20. HtmlWebpackHarddiskPlugin: Forces HtmlWebpackPlugin to write the HTML file to disk even in watch mode.

  21. WebpackDevServer: Not a plugin, but a development server that works seamlessly with Webpack for live development.

  22. dotenv-webpack: Loads environment variables from a .env file and makes them available in your application.

  23. workbox-webpack-plugin: Generates a service worker for Progressive Web App (PWA) functionality.

  24. PurgeCSSPlugin: Removes unused CSS styles from your bundles.

Please note that the availability and popularity of Webpack plugins can change over time, so it's a good practice to check the official Webpack documentation and the npm registry for the latest plugins and updates. Additionally, you can search for specific plugins based on your project's requirements to find ones that suit your needs.

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