DEV Community

Edward Chen
Edward Chen

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Just a friendly reminder: Don't stress about the layoffs!

Here's another Weekly Tip! Today's topic is going to be a quick one and relevant to our careers but not really technical. DON'T STRESS ABOUT THE LAYOFFS!*

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This is more geared towards those earlier in your careers as I have found that generally the Senior+ Engineers are still in high demand. For those of you that are starting your careers as a Software Engineer or have been in the industry for 1-3 years now, I'm sure you are concerned and have been following the news on the layoffs.

But this is just a friendly reminder to not stress about your outlook! Keep learning, stay curious and do not take any rejections personally. Instead of applying to a FAANG (or MAANGA if we want to keep it more topical), you can get your foot in the door by applying to smaller companies or even a consultant agency (be wary of these though. Do not accept if they ask you to pay for training) as that will expose you to different tech stacks and experiences!

Also keep in mind that this could be a chance to reflect on yourself. Is this something that you want to do as a career or is it something that you enjoy more as a hobby? Would it be feasible to work as a Data Engineer even if you enjoy doing Front End work? You can spend some time to work on personal projects, figure out what you enjoy. Everyone has experienced (or are still experiencing) all the traumas from getting out of a global pandemic so give yourself a break. You earned it!

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* Of course take all of this with a grain of salt because I am a stranger on the internet and I do not know your situation.

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