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Ssewannonda Keith Edwin
Ssewannonda Keith Edwin

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🚀 Create a CRUD web API with DATA API builder and EFCORE Power Tools 🚀

In today's agile software development world, efficiency is paramount. I'm excited to share a quick way to create a fully functional CRUD Web API in just minutes using Data API Builder and EF Core Power Tools.

🔧 Why This Stack?

  • Data API Builder: Build and configure data-driven APIs with minimal effort. It abstracts much of the complexity, allowing you to focus on business concerns.

  • EF Core Power Tools: Generates clean, maintainable code for the database access layer, simplifying using EF Core.

📈 The Benefits:

  • Speed: Generates API endpoints rapidly without compromising on quality.

  • Scalability: With the solid foundation that EF Core provides, your applications can scale effortlessly.

  • Productivity: Focus on your business logic rather than boilerplate code, boosting your productivity and project timelines.

If you're on a project that needs rapid prototyping for a backend or want to streamline the development process, this combination is definitely worth exploring.

🔗 Ready to try it? Dive in and see how much time you can save!

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