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What I love about coding forums

I was gonna start with my problems with them, but I do love and I don't want people to think I despise them!

I use the Glitch Support Forum the most, but I also use Reddit and occasionally, StackOverflow.

1. Asking Questions

No matter what question about coding you have, you'll most likely be able to find an answer on some sort of forum. Whether on one specifically for that language or type of coding, similar to Reddit's 'subreddits', or one for coding in general, like the Glitch Support Forum. People asking questions is great and asking questions yourself is great, since it can end with a simple resolution or solution, rather than hours of troubleshooting to find northing!

2. Answering Questions

I don't know why, but I get joy from spending my time answering people's coding questions, if I have the knowledge to do so. If people aren't asking correctly, just send them to StackOverflow's How to Ask or something similar, like your own version on the forum. Simple as that. Help people and get more abilities in the forum is how Discourse works and the Glitch Support Forum uses that, so you can become, for example, a 'Regular' member where you get special moderation perks like editing titles, recategorisation, adding tags, more powerful flags, etc. So now you have a motive for answering questions, if you need one.

3. Community

Most forums, especially the Glitch Support Forum, where Glitch built a forum for the vast community it has created, have a really happy, cool, close-knit and sometimes very large community. This means you can collaborate, contribute, chat, etc. and enjoy the forum as one happy coding family. Some people take advantage of this family, creating spam, etc. but don't worry about that, just be happy about the people you have touched when creating messages on the forum and answering their questions.

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About Me

My name is Eddie Coldrick or Eddie's Tech and I am a Regular on the Glitch Support Forum. I code in Javascript, PHP, HTML, etc. and love webdev and Glitch.

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