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My First Month In Learning programming

My First Month In Learning programming


Let me introduce you to some tips.

However before that, you need to download two softwares before you can start Coding though there are so many softwares ,I prefer these two for now.

(1) V.s cold
(2) Git bash

After getting these softwares, you will also need Data (I mean like 40 gigabytes a month).

Coding isn’t child’s play but it is super interesting and lively not only that, it will also get you some cool cash.
Firstly, open your Git bash to create a folder (📁), on V.S cold (the second software), there are many Basics of HTML: elements, and tags that you need to know before you start Coding but I will illustrate them one after the other for you to understand .

Pay rapt attention and you would enjoy it, you can take a break and come back after 20 minutes.

To create a folder on V.S. cold by opening Git bash and coding some things on it.
The 1st thing you code on git bash is:
(Cd Downloads the space after that press enter)

(Picture :cd Downloads
After that, I will make a new one directly by typing:

Mkdir space Then Folder name :
It is used in Git bash to create a Name of the folder you want to create.

After that type Pwd .

After that, you will now create the names of the files you want, to be in the folder. To do that you have to do the following
Touch then the file name (index . HTML ) and the space other file you want to create.

Last but not least
After all these, you already created a folder and the files that will be in the folder.
So the next is to code what you have created on git bash on v.s cold by just typing

Code space then (.).

So this is what you will see, then you have to cancel and click on the files you created in the folder.

Note: once you type (code .) it will open the v.s code directly.
So you just started, but let me stop here for now, I will get back to treat what you are going to do on your code, so please stay healthy and work hard.

You can get me coffee ☕ if you want but please read this next line.

“ You can have results or excuses, not both’’
So please work hard
Goodbye for now

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