DEV Community

Discussion on: .Net to Go

elaa_zx profile image

What are all the Additional technologies i should learn along with GO

rhymes profile image

I think it depends on what you want to create. Go is mostly self contained and the standard library goes far.

The standard library contains various networking server code and among them you have a TLS 1.2 (TLS 1.3 is coming in Go 1.12) HTTP 1.1 and 2.0 production ready web server. JSON parsing, basic routing and templating are builtin as well. Logging is not. Time support in the standard library is great. You can use pkg/errors to wrap the default error handling with simple primitives.

Usually people that are building web apps add at least to it a library like gorilla/mux as a router/dispatcher, logrus or zap for structured logging and secure for standard HTTP security related headers.

You can use builtin support to connect to DBs plus a driver for your DB of choice, a SQL builder like squirrel and migrate for schema migrations.

You'll find anything else through a search engine or awesome-go.