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Was, Is, & Will of AI

What is artificial Intelligence? Is it a common mind-state? Is it simple book-smarts learned averagely? Artificial Intelligence is the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that usually require human intelligence, such as decision making, language translation, and visual perception. The main things that most young minds would think about when they hear the words, “Artificial Intelligence” would probably be Siri (Speech Interpretation & Recognition Service) from the iPhone or iPad, Alexa or Echo from Amazon, or even J.A.R.V.I.S. (Just A Rather Very Intelligent System) from the Iron Man movies.

These pieces of intelligence just seem like common technological assistants from time to time, but a question has been sweeping the nation. How would Artificial Intelligence be developed in the next half-decade? Not only is there a history and good use, but there can be futuristic theories for the whole world to look at and acknowledge.

Where has it all started? The definite answer is after 1900. Not exactly though, because just the mere thought of the subject can have a part in its history. Artificial beings originally appeared in Greek Myths. There were rumors of secret mystical minds into matter. Ideas of Artificial men were fictionally developed in the 19 th century.

Fictional ideas can include Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein and Karel Čapek's R.U.R. The term wasn’t officially adopted until the year, 1956. At a conference in Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, MIT Scientist, Marvin Minsky said that within a generation, the problem with creating Artificial Intelligence will be substantially solved. Solving the creation wasn’t simple. In a 6-year period from 1974 to 1980, known as the “Winter of AI,” government funding and interests were dropped off. The British government revived the development by giving funds again to continue the competition with the Japanese.

There were ups and downs in the development, including another long winter. Eventually, something came up in 1997. The phrase, “Every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence
can be so precisely described that a machine can be simulate it” was included as a conference proposal. In 1997, IBM’s Deep Blue became the first computer to defeat a champion of chess when it beat Garry Kasparov, the Russian Grandmaster. In the not-so-distant year of 2011, the giant computer answering system known as Watson won the famous television quiz show, “Jeopardy!” Watson was shown to be imperfect, but I.B.M. researchers started developing new technology uses based on Watson.

Artificial Intelligence is based on the assumption that the process of human thought can be mechanized. To many, that assumption is accomplished. Nowadays, Artificial Intelligence can be experienced almost everywhere. AI is seeping into everyone’s lives; thus, it affects how they live, work, and entertain themselves. Almost everyone is familiar with Apple’s “Siri.” She helps find info, directions, and even sends text messages. Another famous AI named “Alexa” is also useful but not as old. It took the world by storm after it was introduced by Amazon.

Unlike Siri, who’s usually on iPhones and iPads, Alexa is on small household devices. Alexa can do what Siri can do, including setting alarms, shop, and play certain music programs. Both Siri and Alexa are voice activated. Netflix is also considered an example of Artificial Intelligence. Netflix provides great service with movies and TV shows. This program has predictive technology. Billions of records are analyzed, thus there are suggestions for viewers based on their history. While most people think the subject and idea of Artificial Intelligence is accomplished, others may say it’s not completely. AI is still at quite a young age despite the thought starting many years ago.

Others believe that true AI is the mechanized thought learning on its own like an actual human mind. People thinking of true intelligence like this may think of J.A.R.V.I.S. from the Iron Man movies. He talks to Tony Stark like an actual human being and doesn’t require any specific sounding phrases to take command. He assists him in battle, tells him what’s good or bad, and even makes smart decisions. In the far future, there could be the right type of technology to develop such beings.

When it comes to thinking about the future, it’s always a big mystery. If people are trying to think of what advancements can be made in the next 5 years, then it’ll take the most brilliant minds to make things big. Scientific discoveries can only be made by the truly inspired. Many must want and help. Many breakthroughs have been made recently, but researchers believe that the best developments in AI can take more than 5 years. Inspiration, devotion, and sometimes funds are needed to ensure a successful update in a piece of technology.

Christopher Bishop has said, “Right now we are in a phase of very fast advances and that may well proceed for a little number of years.” There are many advances to look at today, which includes computers being able to quickly translate and speak written conversations. If the AI technology is this good today, then there’s no doubt that it could advance to a whole new and better level. Even though it has already reached big levels, Mr. Bishop said that Artificial Intelligence cannot quite reach the complex thinking that the humans have.

In the next 5 years if AI does advance as high as believers want, it could possibly be smarter than humans at certain tasks. Being smarter than ever, AI could be a help in diminishing sicknesses, war, and poverty. AI could be a known topic in history noted as, “From assistant to hero.” In history books, humans have been listed as heroes for centuries, but soon, the next could be a piece of tech. Going through self-improvement is what’s wanted, but some of the smartest minds studying the subject are thinking with concern. There may be benefits, but where there are benefits, there could be consequences.

There’s actually an AI arms race taking place, and it can be dangerous to have AI weapons. They can be leading to an AI war and lead to going out of control for an armed person. It’s said that the researchers are creating safeguards to ensure that the systems will safely perform in unanticipated situations. The people are really thinking of a situation similar to a villain of Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron. Ultron was an Artificial Intelligence meant to be good in serving as a global defense program, but turned out very evil and concluded that destroying humanity was the way for ultimate benefit. Scientists who think ahead obviously won’t let that happen.

In conclusion, AI does have a potential of being more intelligent than the humans later on, so science has no exact way of predicting its future. Even the smartest like Hawking, Musk, Wozniak, and Gates had some concern of Artificial Intelligence. It can be good, it can be bad, it can be awesome, which is all up to the humans. Some are thinking that superintelligence is around the corner and can have such a negative impact.

Every scientist has to put his or her mind to the test to keep things smooth and clean. They must take things at a slower rate to keep things safe. As said as a good moral: Slow and Steady wins the race. If AI does get to where the invested wants it to be, it can still possibly fully develop with amazing new features. It can provide full conversations, give recommendations, and teach great lessons. 5 years is very probable, but a little more can be more assuring for new things. All it takes for success is a careful and smart mind.

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