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Introducing Holopin: the digital badge platform for developers!

Elena Lape on September 27, 2022

We are so excited to introduce you to Holopin — the platform for creating and collecting digital badges! Holopin has been in the works for a while,...
saicharankandukuri profile image

I was hunting for GitHub stickers to stick em on my laptop.

now i got a way to show this cool unique stickers in GitHub and everywhere website ( which is so awsome ). ( and my laptop can from endless stickyness )

Gotta find a way to Collect ( Hunt ) more badges

elenalape profile image
Elena Lape

Aw, yes, that's exactly why we built Holopin! And if you reach out on Twitter, we may be able to give you some pointers for hunting down more badges.

yadhukrishnasm profile image
yadhu krishna

What are the ways to hunt badges @saicharankandukuri

ayushchaudhary profile image
Ayush Chaudhary

What to do for that texas badge is anyone know?

elenalape profile image
Elena Lape

Hey! Check out the last paragraph of the post :)

lichtscheu profile image

i replied with my favorite tools, no secret badge collected =(

Thread Thread
elenalape profile image
Elena Lape

Check your message requests or just DM @holopin_! Sometimes we're unable to message folks :)

Thread Thread
lichtscheu profile image

oh, didnt check message requests, my bad, thank you!

andypiper profile image
Andy Piper

This is very interesting, thanks for sharing! I'll be looking at ways to use this :-)

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Looks like I need a new collection. I got the Hacktoberfest badge. The confirmation email was in my spam folder.

elenalape profile image
Elena Lape

Oh no! Which email ended up in spam? Was it just the account email verification, or the badge claim one as well? We're looking into it!

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Account verification and then later the early bird. I got the hacktoberfest badge in my inbox once I clicked the link it said invalid token. Then said click to have a badge sent in email. I didn't see an email then.
When you made this post, I tried again and found the emails in spam. Once I found the verification link the HacktoberFest badge and early bird worked.

decker67 profile image

Its like the stamper our teacher uses in my first class at the basic school to get us working. I wonder that this still works.

jankapunkt profile image
Jan Küster 🔥

Added to my GitHub page 😍

thinkverse profile image
Kim Hallberg • Edited

Yes! I don't know why, but I really love badges so Holopin is such a cool idea IMO. 🔥 And never heard of the Open Badges standard, that intrigues me. Need to read up on it too. 🙂

elenalape profile image
Elena Lape

I know what you mean about badges!
And Open Badges is sort of a way to do blockchain without the blockchain. It's a "hardened" badge with some additional metadata about the issuer and what it's earned for. I suspect we'll see it used a lot more in the near future :)

vaibhav13kamat profile image
Vaibhav Kamat


elenalape profile image
Elena Lape


baasmurdo profile image

Would be awesome if the pricing could be seen up front instead of filling out a form before had. I had an ista-nope moment when I clicked on pricing and saw a form.
Will check back in a couple of months if I remember, hopefully I do.
Very cool concept ! Keep it up !

arifszn profile image
Ariful Alam

I have completed the hacktoberfest but didn't get the badges. Can you look into please? My username is arifszn.

prabincankod profile image
Prabin Subedi

I am lookin for you guys to implement dynamic opengraphs for profile page.
@prabincankod's Holopin board

chriscthomas profile image
chris thomas

Already got 3 and on the hunt for more!

aryaraj132 profile image
Aryan Raj

I participated and completed Hactoberfest but wasn't subscribed to holopin at that time, So can I not claim those digital badges now?

hbelusca profile image

How can I claim holopin badges for participation at the hacktoberfest 2022, but after the fact? I just noticed that I didn't opt-in for the badges stuff in my hacktoberfest profile back then.

vinceamstoutz profile image
Vincent Amstoutz

Awesome tool and work, big thanks !

maheshmnj profile image
Mahesh Jamdade 💙

Can we print Holopin stickers? or Do you plan to have physical stickers going forward?

dejanualex profile image

Just created my profile , it's a pretty dope app with a nice and clean design.

lotto_france profile image
France Lotto

Nice post i like it thanks for this
Click here

hiresh007 profile image

Completed hacktoberfest but did not receive the badge

hiresh007 profile image

I completed hacktoberfest but did not receive contributor badges